Student Organizations User Guide

Purdue University policy requires that all recognized Student Organizations who have financial activity operate their account through the Business Office for Student Organizations.  General financial procedures, including receiving and dispersing of funds are to be made in accordance with policies and procedures as prescribed by the Business Office for Student Organizations.

It is the responsibility of the president and treasurer to review the Financial Procedures manual to be familiar with the policies and procedures for your organization.

All contracts must be reviewed and signed in advance of activities or use of products by the Business Office for Student Organizations.

The BOSO staff is available to answer any questions you may have about events; finances; policies and procedures, etc. either in person, through email or by phone, or 765-494-6724.

Accountability for all funds collected by the student organization is the responsibility of the treasurer.  Accountability can be established in several ways:

  1. The treasurer may maintain a Record of Dues Collected for club dues, which would include the members name, amount of dues paid, and date of payment.  A Participant Roster may also be used for other activities whenever the club is collecting fees from several individuals.  Forms are available on the website.  The treasurer may choose to issue a  numbered receipt for all dues, fees, assessments, and other income received.
  2. Ticket Sales: Numbered Tickets; sales online through COOL; or sales through Elliott Hall of Music Box Office. 
  3. An Inventory & Sales Control Worksheet is generally used by organizations to track inventory of merchandise/goods for sale.  
  4. It is recommended that the organization maintain a completed copy of the Inventory & Sales Control Worksheet in their financial records.  This report, when completed will provide the organization and its members a record of deposits and a summary of the sales event. 

As treasurer, you will be working with several documents and forms. These items are provided on the “Forms” weblink.


Each student organization should prepare an annual operating budget for internal control and planning purposes.  The budget should be reviewed by the president, treasurer and advisor of the club.  The treasurer should maintain the budget in the organization’s financial records.


Please verify that all transactions on the account belong to your organization.  If there are discrepancies, report them immediately to BOSO.

BOSO may make adjusting entries to the account under the heading Transfers In, Transfers Out, Debits and Credits.


BOSO conducts audits of the financial activity of recognized student organizations.  Audits may be conducted during the school year as they relate to specific activities. 

There may be times when your organization may need a check advance or a change fund.

Check Advance is an advance of the organization money to be used for large expenses related to organizational needs, (i.e. travel, plane tickets, hotel costs, equipment, etc.).   The payment is made directly to the vendor (payee). Use Expense Code 612 when processing your check request in the COOL system.

Change Fund may be requested as needed for fund raising projects.  Once the event is over the change fund is to be deposited back into the club account.  Use Expense Code 613 when processing your check request in the COOL system. Use Income Code 213 when depositing change fund back to student organization account.

Officers will be held responsible for the return of receipts supporting the purchase from the check advance and depositing any unused funds.  Accounts will be locked if paid receipts and depositing of unused funds are not returned by the due date noted on the Check Advance/Change Fund Form.

A student organization may conduct solicitations on behalf of qualified charitable organizations ONLY AFTER the Activity Form has been submitted and approved. The activity, solicitation and disbursement of funds must adhere to the University’s Charity Policy and financial procedures as outlined by BOSO.

University Regulations Section 4: Student Organizations D weblink:

A Charity account will be established with BOSO for the charitable event. All funds raised from the event must be processed through the charity account. 

Your intended charitable organization must be a 501C3 non-profit organization. 

If an external RSO (one that does not have a BOSO account) conducts a charity event on campus, a charity account with BOSO must be established. 

Organizations may wish to split proceeds from their charitable event.  The following stipulations for a split charity would include the following:

  • The charitable organization must receive a minimum of 50% of net proceeds. Expenses can be paid from the proceeds. 
  • The sponsoring organization must clearly advertise the manner in which the charity will be receiving funds, subject to approval by SAO. Donors/participants must be made aware if all funds are not going to charitable organization advertised.
  • A split charity letter can be found on the BOSO website. The approval by the charity and the percentage of the split must be noted on the Activity form.

See Forms for an example of the Non-Profit Agency letter.

Charitable contributions 

A student organization often wishes to give a donation to organizations or groups outside the University who are recognized by the IRS as 501-c-3 non-profit agencies.  Student organizations may use any funds that have been collected by the organization up to $100.00 provided those funds have not been otherwise restricted by third parties.

If the organization wishes to give more than $100.00, the following fund sources are allowable:

Under NO circumstances are student organization members, officers, advisors or non-BOSO departmental or office staff or faculty authorized to sign contracts or any type of agreements for services, products, fundraising or rentals for student organizations.

All contracts for performers, speakers, coaches and instructors, or other service providers, venue/facility and equipment rentals, licenses, fundraising and sponsorship must be reviewed and signed by BOSO prior to incurring the obligation for these services, rentals, products, or activities.  Some businesses and individuals will have their own contract.  The contract received should be forwarded with the email it was received on directly to BOSO for processing upon receipt.  Contact information should be included within the email to BOSO that designates who has the authority to amend and sign the contract by the contracted party.  An IRS Form W-9 is required from the payee which will include the tax id and signature of the payee.  The payee IRS Form W-9 should be emailed to BOSO.  The contract should also be uploaded in the Activity Planning Form on BoilerLink. Service providers who file their taxes as individuals using their social security number as a tax id must complete a Purdue Substitute W-9 and a Payee Certification form.

BOSO’s Contracts Administrator, the University’s Contracting Group, Risk Management and other departments might be involved in reviewing and approving the contract which may require additional time.

Many service contracts for honorarium to a speaker, guest lecturer, instructor/coach, referee, DJ, photographer or various other service providers will be prepared by BOSO. In order to initiate the contracting process for service providers who do not have their own contract, the student organization needs to complete a contract worksheet. The contract worksheet should be completed by student organization members and not the service provider. Upon completion, the contract worksheet should be submitted to BOSO via email so the Contracts Administrator can draft the agreement and send it to the service provider for signature.  If a service contract is sent to the organization, BOSO will amend and sign the agreement. The contract or contract worksheet must be submitted to BOSO in a timely fashion well in advance of the event in order to give the Contracts Administrator adequate time to complete the contracting process. Contracts are required even if the service provider is only receiving reimbursement for travel expenses or the student organization is paying for the service provider’s travel. In most cases, a service contract will be required even if the service provider is not being compensated for travel or through honorarium if the service provider is not currently a Purdue student, staff or faculty member or unless they are not physically coming to campus.

Contract worksheets must be completed for all current Purdue student, staff or faculty members receiving compensation for services so that a Purdue Substitute W-9 and Payee Certification can be sent to those individuals before the event takes place. Due to federal regulations governing payment to international individuals, some individuals with certain visas cannot be reimbursed or receive honorarium.

  • Below are the contract deadlines that must be adhered to:
    • Activity Planning Forms must be submitted a minimum of two weeks in advance. If your event has contractual needs, all final information must be submitted with your APF. If changes to contractual needs arise after the two-week time frame, BOSO will deny and request that the event be moved to a later date.
    • Contracts for events featuring international service providers, concerts, high-profile speakers or entertainers, and/or 6 or more paid service providers and/or vendors must be turned in 90 days in advance of the event.
    • Contracts for events featuring 3-5 service providers and/or vendors or licensing agreements must be turned in 30 days in advance of the event.
    • Contracts for events featuring 1-2 service providers and/or vendors must be turned in 2 weeks before the event.

International speakers/guests, etc.: If a student organization plans to invite an international speaker, performer or other service provider to their event, they should provide BOSO with the service provider’s contract or a contract worksheet for that individual at least 90 days in advance of the event. International service providers or agents must complete a Glacier profile and submit all necessary documents through Glacier before they can be paid. BOSO will provide the speaker/guest access to the Tax Department’s Glacier Reporting system for completion of the required tax documents. Payment to an international service provider is typically significantly delayed due to extra steps required to pay this type of individual.

Payments for contracted services (US or International) may only be paid by Purdue University directly.

Contracts from vendors/presenters should be submitted for approval at least two weeks or more, prior to the event or activity.  Failure to submit detailed information for the contract may result in denial of event/activity.

A Supporter Agreement must be completed if the student organization will be receiving financial support from an outside source.  The “Student Organization Supporter Agreement” as developed by Contracting is available for the organizations use. 

The Student Organization Deposit Slip should be completed so that all sources of income are identified and coded with the proper Income Codes. Record separate line items for separate income codes.  Additional information required on the deposit slip would include:

  1. The Student Organization Account Number as well as the Organization Name. (Please do not use acronyms.)
  2. Individual’s name that prepared the deposit slip and date.
  3. Income Codes.
  4. Clear information as to source and description of funds being deposited.

Clear information includes from whom you received the funds, check number and specific purpose of funds

If membership dues are collected, a Record of Dues Collected should be completed.

If a Record of Dues Collected is used the deposit number should be recorded on the form.  BOSO may contact the organization for backup documentation of funds deposited.

Donations:  All checks received as donations from an individual or business need to be copied and submitted to BOSO to be forwarded to the University Development Office for tax credit and acknowledgement by Purdue University.

Gift-in-Kind donations to the organization also need to be acknowledged on the President’s Office Form No. 41B. The the organization officers will provide the details of the items donated to the organization on the form from individual donors. A detailed invoice from a vendor/donor should be attached which includes the value of the item(s). BOSO will submit the signed form to the University Development Office for acknowledgement to the donor.

An officer should sign bottom of form to acknowledge they have received the goods prior to submitting forms to BOSO for processing.

Please contact BOSO if you have any questions about donations.

The Equipment Purchase Form, which is located on-line or in the BOSO office, is to be used by student organizations wishing to purchase capital equipment priced at $5000 or more per item.  This form is to be completed by the student organization and approved by BOSO prior to the purchase of any equipment.

Payments from student organization accounts are processed using the student organization check writing system.  Data entry of expenditure information will be processed into the system that will produce the computer generated checks. President, treasurer, advisor or payee may pick up check from BOSO office if marked “hold for pick-up”. If not marked, check will be mailed. 

Officers can view if check is ready by reviewing “payments” tab in the COOL system. If the payment has a document number, the check is processed. The document number is the check number. 

Payment requests are submitted online through COOL, My Purdue portal, under the “Student Services” then BOSO/COOL Online. The original payment receipts or invoices which support the payment request should be scanned and attached online to the payment request.

  1. The payment request is submitted by the president, treasurer or advisor.  There are two types of payments: Reimbursement to an individual; and payment directly to a vendor for goods and/or services. The payment request is approved by the submitting officer (president, treasurer or advisor) as long as they are not paying themselves.  (See #4)
  2. The State of Indiana Unclaimed Property Law requires a complete U.S. mailing address on each payment request. The complete address includes apartment number or letter.  US Postal Service will NOT deliver mail to an apartment complex without the apartment number or letter.
  3. Insure that the account number selected (club may have more than one account; i.e.: SOGA, Reserve) is correct; expense codes, appropriate supporting documentation (itemized receipt or invoice from vendor) are attached.  Once reviewed the officer entering the request will submit the payment request. Submit the payment request after checking “email notification to officers” which will generate an email notifying the other officers of a pending payment request that may need their approval.
  4. If one of the 3 authorized officers (president, treasurer or advisor) is seeking a reimbursement on a payment request, the officer to be reimbursed cannot authorize their own payment.  A second officer online approval will be needed.
  5. If the original receipt or invoice is lost or was not provided by the vendor, a completed lost receipt affidavit is required to verify purchase.
  6. Supporting documentation – Detailed receipts or invoices must be scanned and submitted with your online payment request.  You may use your smart phone to photograph the itemized receipt & credit card authorization approving the payment which may include the tip of maximum 20%.  Be sure the photo of the receipt can be clearly read.
  7. The BOSO staff will audit the online payment request for final approval.
  8. The officers have the option to have the check held for pickup or mailed directly to the payee to their US Mail address or to their residence hall.


If a check needs to be voided, please return the check to BOSO if possible. 

Destroying a check will NOT return the funds to the club account.

Student organizations under the fiscal supervision of BOSO may not conduct games of chance on or off campus.  Games of chance include but are not limited to bingo games, raffles, charity games nights, door prize events, or festivals that include prizes from pull tabs, punchboards or tip boards. 

All payment requests submitted relating to Games of Chance will be denied.

Student Organizations may conduct Games of Skill.

What is a bona fide game of skill?

Bona fide games of skill include games where one can control the results or enhance their abilities through training. Examples include: sporting events, memory games, golf, horseshoes, darts, pool, scrabble, and trivia.

University Regulations state: “Use of University facilities in any manner that results in financial gain, either directly or indirectly, to individuals or non-University organizations or groups is prohibited.” Based on this regulation, student organization funds may not be transferred as gifts, charitable contributions, or donations to an individual or donations to groups or organizations whose funds are managed outside the control of Purdue University.   

Exceptions to Gift Policy

Funds are generated by student organizations from a varied source of activities such as membership dues, activities on campus, activities off campus, donations from individuals, and donations from outside agencies and companies.  All funds are collected by the student organization to provide the means to conduct the activities of the club.  Funds that are held by a recognized student organization may be expended as approved by the general membership of the organization, provided that the purpose of the expenditure is not in conflict with University regulations and other policy statements of the University. 

Gifts in Recognition or Appreciation

A student organization often wishes to give a token gift of appreciation to an individual that has provided service or assistance to the club. Organizations may use any funds that have been collected by the organization for this purpose.  Gifts would be tangible in nature. 

A maximum dollar limit of $100.00 per item, per person, per year, is the allowable total value of the gift.

Cash, cash equivalent, or gift certificates cannot be given as gifts.

Liability Insurance

Purdue University carries a liability policy covering the activities of student organizations under the direct management of the University and whose finances are under the supervision of the Business Office for Student Organizations.

The policy affords protection to University sponsored student organizations (including their officers and members) while acting within the scope of their duties.  Excluded from coverage is any organization not under the direct financial management of the University, any organization whose hazardous activities mandate the purchase of special liability insurance, and activities involving the ownership, maintenance, operation or use of any aircraft.

For some functions and activities, student organizations will be required to submit evidence of a liability insurance policy or obtain special insurance for the event.

Medical Insurance

Individuals and student organization members involved in student organization activities are responsible for maintaining their own medical insurance coverage.

Risk Management offers a special medical/accident insurance policy that provides $15,000 of emergency medical and accident coverage that can be purchased for camps, conferences, or field trips.  The cost of this insurance is typically less than $0.50 per day/per participant, and the cost for the coverage is billed to the student organization.  Information about this insurance and forms to request coverage can be found under  STUDENT, FACULTY, AND STAFF SPECIALTY COVERAGES here (

Auto Insurance

Securing a vehicle through the University’s Transportation Service for Student Organization approved travel is always the best choice.  Insurance coverage on the vehicle is included in the cost of the rental.  When renting a vehicle from an outside rental agency, no insurance coverage is provided by the University.  If you rent a vehicle from an outside rental agency, you should purchase liability and physical damage coverage on the rented vehicle from the rental agency.  This will help limit your personal liability in the event of an accident or damage to the vehicle. The expense of purchasing the additional insurance is a reimbursable expense.

You should also note that if you are towing any trailer (even a University-owned trailer), the liability insurance on the trailer comes from the towing vehicle.  This is even if the vehicle being used to tow is a rental vehicle or your own personal vehicle.

Student organization activity is partially supported by the investment of the collective excess cash balances of the student organizations.  These identified funds are invested through the University Investment Department and interest earnings are distributed twice per year to student organizations.

An audit and supervision fee of 1.5% of gross receipts is assessed each organization to partially defray the cost of operation of the Business Office for Student Organizations.

Student organization members are only allowed to expense meals and food to the organization account for those sponsored activities as approved for the benefit of a student organization. 

Impromptu dinners and food purchases that may only benefit one or a few members may not be an appropriate use of organization funds and could be construed as a gift or donation to an individual.  Expenditures of this nature may require additional explanation and/or organization approval prior to processing.

Tips can be reimbursed along with cost of meal. BOSO must have proof of payment of tip for reimbursement.

Immediately following the election of new officers, each student organization must complete their registration through BoilerLink.  Contact SAO by calling 765-494-1231 for the specific registration timeline dates of submission and approval.

BOSO will receive notification of registration and will update the President, Treasurer, and Advisor information.  Once updated, those individuals have access to account information in COOL.

BOSO enters the officer expiration date provided at registration.  Once the expiration date arrives the COOL system will automatically lock the officer’s access.

BOSO will conduct an account closing when an account reaches 3 years with no officers or dissolves. 

  • Funds will be sent to another student organization or department as directed by the student organization upon dissolution or their constitution.
  • Up to $100 may be donated to a charitable organization as defined by SAO/BOSO policy. See Gift Policy for more details.
  • Any remaining funds will be swept to the BOSO Inactive Fund.  The university reserves the right to use those funds to benefit other SAO activities and services involving Student Organizations.

Deposit of Funds: All cash and checks received by the student organization must be deposited to the student organization’s account.  DEPOSITS should be made promptly at the Business Office for Student Organizations, Krach Leadership Building, Room 365 using Student Organization Deposit Slips. Venmo, Paypal, CashApp, or other like services cannot be used to collect funds. TooCool is the only accepted means of collecting credit card payments; student organizations can also collect cash or checks.

Income Codes can be found on the BOSO website under resources tab.

BOSO will take deposits Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m with the office being closed from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. If you have a deposit you wish to drop off after business hours, there is a night deposit drop located outside BOSO. Your night deposit must include a deposit ticket and be in a sealed envelope.

TooCOOL online e-commerce website for the collection of dues, entry fees, and sales of merchandise in stock can be established.  Debit and credit cards may be used on this site and is open to members and non-members for the collection of income.

The BOSO Office furnishes Deposit Slips for student organizations which can be obtained in the BOSO office, Krach Room 365.

General funds collected by the organization may NOT be used for cash payments of expenses. NO petty cash funds are allowed to be maintained by student organizations. 

The treasurer should deposit checks written to the student organization following University procedures for collecting cash/checks on a timely basis.  In general, money collected must be deposited in the BOSO office:

  • Daily if $1,000 or more has been collected;
  • When $1,000 has been accumulated from collection over a period of days in the same week; or
  • At least once a week if the amount collected is less than $1,000;
  • Daily, regardless of amount, if management determines appropriate or if security risks exist for the department i.e. inadequate overnight storage facilities, etc.

Student organizations checks and cash held for deposit longer than the normal deposit requirements increase the likelihood of theft, NSF or Account Closed returned check items.

Student organization funds may not be used for the purchase of tobacco products or alcoholic beverages. 

Student organization funds may not be used to purchase gift certificates/gift cards.

Student organization funds may not be used to purchase firearms or ammunition.

Payment requests are submitted online through COOL (Central Office On-Line), located on the My Purdue portal, under the “Student Services” then BOSO/COOL Online.

  1. Credit/Debit Card Purchases

    When a credit/debit card is used to purchase items for the organization, the following procedures will be used to reimburse an individual.
    • An itemized receipt, smart phone picture of receipt, e-purchase receipt or paid invoice must be submitted online through COOL.
    • Receipt types: itemized cash register tape; itemized paid invoice; or a detailed web receipt for e-purchases.
    • At restaurants and some commercial vendors it will be necessary to request an itemized receipt prior to placing your order.
    • The credit/debit card signature receipt shows method of payment and is not acceptable documentation to process a reimbursement alone.  The credit/debit card signature receipt may show the tip given, but the detailed receipt or invoice is also required as proof of items purchased for reimbursement. 
  2. Cash Purchases

    If cash purchases are made for the organization, the following procedures will be followed:
    • An itemized receipt, smart phone picture of receipt or invoice must be submitted to BOSO via COOL with the payment request. The receipt must clearly indicate the charges have been paid.

Purchases on Account

Some vendors (payees) may have agreed to extend credit at their discretion.  These vendors provide an invoice upon delivery or pickup of orders.  The invoices are signed acknowledging the receipt of the food/merchandise by an officer/member of the organization.  It is the obligation and responsibility of the organization to submit the invoice online through COOL to process the payment.  Do not wait for a monthly statement to be issued as a late charge may be incurred. 

If the organization maintains an account with a vendor, the vendor generally issues a monthly statement.  IN ORDER TO PAY VENDORS (PAYEES) FOR PURCHASES MADE ON ACCOUNT THE ITEMIZED CHARGE SLIPS OR CASH REGISTER TAPES WILL NEED TO BE SCANNED IN WITH THE MONTHLY STATEMENT.  Please inform your organization members when charging purchases on an organization account, the itemized receipt will need to be provided to the officers to submit online through COOL.

2.  Direct to Vendors (payees)

If the organization wishes to make a payment directly to a vendor (payee), the original itemized invoice will need to be scanned and submitted online through COOL. 

Note: Per University policy, vendors supplying services or rentals will not be paid a deposit or receive payment until services have been rendered or rentals have been received.

PCARD Check out:

Purchasing cards (Pcards) are available for check out by the President or Treasurer only.  Use of the Pcard is limited to one business day and can only be used for in-store purchasing (not online) at local establishments.

An appointment will be required if you need to make a purchase online.

Please complete the Pcard form and indicate online or in store purchase and submit to to reserve a card or appointment.

Things to Remember:

When returning the card, the wallet should contain all the documents that it contained at the time of checkout. All receipts are submitted at the time the purchasing card is returned.

Purdue is a tax-exempt organization. Sales tax cannot be charged, except for purchases of catered food and/or prepared food, such as restaurant meals. A copy of Purdue’s tax ID number is printed in the top left corner of the pcard. In addition, a copy of Purdue’s sales tax-exempt form is in the pcard wallet. If a purchase is made that incorrectly contains sales tax, the purchaser will be responsible for correcting the error.

Purdue University is a Coca-Cola campus. Beverages (soda, water, juice, etc.) purchased with student organization raised funds only are exempt, and you can purchase any beverages your organization prefers. If the purchase is funded by university funds (such as student fees and grants), Coca-Cola products must be purchased.

  • Prohibited Uses of the Card
    • Alcoholic beverages
    • Gift Cards
    • Furniture
    • Controlled substances/items
    • Firearms and Ammunition
    • Personal or non-business purchases
    • Copiers, printers, scanners, faxes, multi-function (MFP) devices
    • Toner
    • Cylinder gases
    • Airfare and registration fees (BOSO staff have cards to assist with these purchases) 
    • Lodging (BOSO staff have cards to assist with these purchases)
    • Car rental
    • Fuel
    • Automatic charges for renewal of prior purchases (ie. memberships, subscriptions, etc)

An Activity Form must be approved prior to the payment of travel expenses.  Extended stay and International Travel will require additional approval time by SAO.

1.  Prepayment by the Organization – via Check from Club Account:

Payment can be made by a Student Organization check without involving individual member funds by using the following procedures.  The following supporting documentation should be scanned and submitted with the payment request through COOL for processing.

Obtain an itemized bill/invoice from a travel agency showing the total cost for a ticket to and from the destination.

a)  Obtain a “confirmation” from the hotel/motel showing the number of nights, number of rooms and applicable taxes due for a total cost of the reservation.  The hotel business office will fax or email a confirmation out if requested. 

b)  A check will be issued as a “Check Advance” payable to the hotel.  Upon leaving the hotel you will need to go to the front desk to check out and obtain an itemized hotel receipt that reflects the detailed charges and the payment received. 

c)  An individual may receive expense subsistence based on the approved Federal and University rates as shown on Purdue’s regulations website. The club may pay up to the maximum allowable amount or less than the amount shown.  (Individuals may not receive both subsistence and reimbursement for actual receipts.)

d)  Conference Registration may be paid using a copy of the registration form indicating the amount per member.  The names of members should appear on the approved Activity/Travel Form.

2.  Prepayment by the Organization via BOSO Credit Card:

BOSO credit card payment may be processed directly to the Payee for the following types of travel related expenses.

a)  Hotel/Motel – see 1A above for required documentation; In addition you will need to have a list of attendees.

b)  Registration fees

c)  Transportation i.e. flights, trains, bus (all chauffer driven vehicles).  The BOSO credit card may not be used for the rental of personally driven vehicles.

An appointment needs to be scheduled with the BOSO Admin staff to process these payments.  The organization must have the full amount available at the time of credit card purchases and have all the information ready upon arrival at BOSO. All expenses must be approved by president or treasurer before BOSO will process payment via BOSO credit card. 

3.  Payment by the Organization to an Individual:

The organization needs to understand there is a risk with prepayment of expenses because of the changing status with individual students involved in the trip.  The organization must be willing to accept this responsibility if reimbursement or pre-payment of travel expenses is desired. 

Any recovery of funds from individual students for prepaid expenses is the total responsibility of the student organization officers.  The student records may not be encumbered.

Reimbursement for travel expenses is recommended to be processed upon conclusion of a trip.  In instances where reimbursement or payment is requested prior to the trip, the reimbursement or payment is generally limited to airfare, train, and registration costs.  If an individual has made payment(s) by credit card for transportation (i.e. airline or train) or registration fees and wishes to be reimbursed prior to the trip, the following original documentation is required. 

a)  Airfare/Train – E-tickets detailing the names of the passengers, payee, dates of travel and amount charged.  Each online site is different; therefore this information may be on more than one page.  You will need to submit all the pages necessary to include all of the above information.

When a “non-refundable” ticket is purchased, then the trip is cancelled by the organization or traveler, flight is missed by the traveler, or the ticket is unused for any other reason, the unused ticket will have no value toward the purchase of another ticket after the departure date and time on the ticket.  However, the ticket may be exchanged on or before the departure date and time of each ticketed flight segment.  Generally the exchange fee is $100 which may be reimbursable with proper documentation and approval of the organization.

b)  Online Registration – A “Confirmation/paid receipt/e-payment” received from the conference or agency detailing the name of the payee, attendee’s name, dates of conference and the fee charged.  Each online site is different; therefore this information may be on more than one page.  You will need to submit all the pages necessary to include all of the above information.

The following travel expenses can only be reimbursed after the travel has been completed. 

c)  Parking/Tolls/Food/Gasoline – Itemized receipts required. 

d)  Mileage Allowance – An individual member may use his private vehicle and be paid up to the maximum allowed by Purdue University per mile.  See the regulations for personal car usage for the rate. Mileage to most common destinations is set by the University.  (Individuals may not be paid for both mileage and actual gas receipts.  Approval for mileage or actual gas receipts is noted on the TPF prior to the trip.)  Attach a copy of Map Quest to the check request to validate miles traveled.

e)  Students without an approved MVR may NOT receive financial reimbursement.

Purdue Memorial Union (PMU), RecWell, Hall of Music, work orders and other internal Purdue expenses will be billed through the Purdue University Accounting system. 

BOSO will receive the internal posting for the expense and will audit expense. BOSO will then post the expense to the appropriate student organization account. These expenses will show as a “debit” on student organization account statement. 

BOSO reserves the right to pay delinquent University receivable invoices without the consent of the organization if, after review deems this action appropriate.

A student organization may provide prizes for activities such as judged contests, organized athletic events and games of skill.  An Activity Planning Form must be submitted and approved in Boilerlink with clarification of the event and the types and approximate values of prizes to be awarded.

  1. Monetary and Tangible Prizes/Awards for Purdue University Students:
    • ALL Monetary prizes for Purdue University students will be awarded through Financial Aid.
    • The Monetary Prizes Form for Purdue Students requires the names and PUID’s of the winners and dollar amount to be awarded.  The Prize Form must be received by BOSO in order for the monetary prize to be processed for the winner through Financial Aid. International students may be required to complete information on the Tax Department’s Glacier Reporting System. 
    • Students may be subject to reduced financial aid if they accept an Award, Prize or Gift for appreciation or recognition from a college, school, department, office or other unit of the University.  Be sure to check with the recipient prior to making the award distribution. 
    • Please review the Monetary Prize Form for Purdue Students for important information regarding the tax implications of monetary prizes for domestic and international students. 
    • Please review the Tangible Prize Form for Purdue Students for important information regarding the tax implications of certain prizes on domestic and international students. 
    • Prizes that are Tangible Items such as tablets, iPads, etc require an IRS W-9 to be completed by the prize recipient if the single item value is $101.00 or more in value.  The IRS W-9 form should be completed and signed by the prize recipient and physically delivered or mailed to BOSO at Krach Room 365.  DO NOT send W-9 via email as it contains personal identifying information.
    • Tangible Prize form for Purdue Students must also be completed and submitted to BOSO in addition to the W-9 form(s). The organization officers are to complete the prize form.  The prize form and W-9’s must be received by BOSO in order for the prizes to be purchased or expense reimbursed. 
    • Please review the Tangible Prize Form for Purdue Students for important information regarding the tax implications of certain prizes for domestic and international students. 
  2. Monetary or Tangible Prizes for Non Purdue students/recipients:
    • Prize Form for Non-Purdue Students and an IRS W-9 from each prize winner must be submitted to BOSO to award prizes to Non-Purdue recipients, regardless of whether the prize is monetary or tangible. Once BOSO has received the Prize form and IRS W-9, the president or treasurer must process a payment request in the COOL system for payment approval.
    • Tangible Prizes valued at $2,501.00 or more must be routed to the University Comptroller for approval.
    • Cash cannot be given to prize winners. A check must be written from the student organization’s BOSO account.

Plaques and trophies may also be given as awards of recognition in contests and tournaments.  The Prizes Form is not required if only plaques and trophies are being awarded. Gift cards or gift certificates cannot be purchased as prizes using student organization funds.

Purchasing Items:

Recognized student organizations are exempt from paying the Indiana sales tax on items that are purchased, retained and used solely by the organization. (Examples: furniture, computers, equipment).

If a vendor requests a sales tax exemption certificate, please contact BOSO. The Indiana Sales Tax Exemption Certificate ST-105 is issued by BOSO based on the information provided by the organization.

Purchases for the benefit of any member of the organization or for any other individual, such as all prepared foods, meals, banquets, lodging or gifts, are not eligible for exemption, unless they are served for a conference.  Therefore, sales tax should always be paid when purchasing these items.

2.  Selling Items:

Student organization conducting sales to members or non-members becomes a retail merchant and must collect sales tax on these sales.  The Indiana State sales tax of 7% must be collected by the organization when conducting sales activities. 

BOSO calculates the total sales of all student organizations, based on the deposits into the organization account monthly.  An electronic notice is sent monthly to each organization wherein a sales tax is assessed.  All corrections of entry codes on organization deposits must be made before the 4th day of the month. BOSO remits payment of the sales tax to the Indiana Department of Revenue for the organization after the 4th of each month.

Please contact BOSO at any time for clarification of any sales tax questions.

Scholarships: Student organization funds may be used to provide scholarships to Purdue students.  These scholarships are intended to provide a grant-in-aid to a student who has attained the character, qualities and activity as defined by the scholarship requirements. Student organizations may provide scholarships based upon service, attendance and other virtues associated with awards of merit.

All scholarships issued to students by a student organization must be processed through the Bursar/Financial Aid disbursement system.  In order to process a scholarship to a student, the organization must complete a Scholarship Form in Boilerlink.