Business Management

About Us
New Student Orientation

Business Office Student Organizations

The Businss Office for Student Organizations, also known as BOSO, provides financial and businss operation support for Purdue student groups.

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Discovery park building.

Departmental Projections

Watch this space for more information about projections and general account management including Study Abroad financial management resources.

Purdue Band on Field at football game

Fiscal Approvers

Do you need to find the fiscal approver for a unit? The SAP Financial T-code ZFI_WF_APPROVERS will generate a list of individuals, by unit, with fiscal authority. Individuals who used the Detailed Business Management Directory to identify fiscal approvers may find this tool helpful. The reference guide below will walk you through the process. If you don’t have access to this t-code, please contact your supervisor for assistance.

Fiscal Approvers
Veterinary Med students with a dog

Sponsored Programs Account Management Resources

Business Management collaborates closely with Sponsored Program Services (SPS) to manage the financial aspects of externally funded research programs. This effort often requires access to additional reference materials. These resources can be found on the Post Award section of the Sponsored Program Services website but business management staff may find some helpful resources at the Learn More link below.

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John Purdue statue in winter

About Us

Business Management coordinates and supervises all business aspects of the University’s academic departments, schools, and administrative units. Business Management is the link between academic departments or units and other areas of the Treasurers Organization. More than 100 staff, including Directors of Financial Affairs, Business Managers, Research Support Specialists and more at the West Lafayette Campus support and serve the University’s Vice Presidents, Deans, Department Heads, Faculty, and other staff.