What is the PUID?
The Purdue University Identification (PUID) is a 10-digit number unique to each individual that is designed to:
Correctly and consistently establish an individual’s distinct identity for University business.
Have value only in the Purdue University system.
Serve as one piece of identification. In addition, other means of authentication, such as a PIN, date of birth or other information may be required.
Allow an individual to access information or services when used with additional information.
Remain the same even when an individual’s relationship with Purdue changes over time.
Once I am in the system, how long until I get my ID?
Please note that ID card information is processed on a daily basis and our office requires one to three business days to receive information after it is originally submitted to the Purdue system. Our office is unable to produce ID cards before they are in our system.
What if I have an error with my name, PUID number or card type?
Any informational or processing errors — such as an incorrect spelling, PUID number or card type — must be corrected within the source system.
What is the cost of the card?
Your Purdue Mobile ID is free; however, if students want a physical card, there will be a $25 charge billed directly to their student Banner account. Graduate students, however, receive their first physical ID at no charge. Replacement IDs are $25.
What if I have a name change and/or ID number change?
Students that have a name or ID number that has changed, you will need to go to the Registrar’s Office in Stewart Center. After changing your name at the registrar, please bring your current ID card to the ID Card Operations in Stewart Center. If you do not have your current card or if the ID rules (see above) were not followed, you will be charged a fee to replace the card. If the current ID card is turned in and the ID rules were followed, the card will be replaced free of charge.
Faculty/Staff with name changes will need to report the change to their Business Office. Once the Business Office completes the change in the source system, the ID Card Operations will be able to print the staff a new ID card.
What services does using the Purdue ID card provide?
The PUID printed on your Purdue ID card may be used to determine eligibility for services such as use of the Purdue Libraries, academic privileges, access to a computing career account, email privileges, CityBus services and more. Additional services may be added to the card.
What are the Purdue ID Card rules?
This card is your official University ID and should be carried at all times. It’s the property of Purdue University and the policies and procedures of the University govern its use.
The Purdue ID card is a photo card and is to be used only by the person to whom it is issued. It is not to be loaned to any other person for use and is subject to confiscation if found in the possession of another person.
DO NOT mutilate the card, punch holes in it or change any of the information on the ID. Any of these misuses will result in a fee to replace the ID.
The University is not responsible for any loss or expenses resulting from the loss, theft or misuse of this card.
If found, please return the card to the ID Card Operations.
What are the usage limits on my Purdue ID card?
You may use your Purdue ID card as many times a day as you wish, provided there are sufficient funds in your BoilerExpress account to pay for the goods or services purchased.
You may purchase items up to the full amount available in your BoilerExpress account at the time of the purchase, without limits. If you use all the funds in your account, you must make another deposit and we must collect the funds before your Purdue ID card may be used for purchases again.
There are no sign-up fees, no monthly or interest charges and no minimum balance to maintain.
What do I do with my Purdue ID Card when I leave the University?
Return their Purdue ID Card to their departments.
Return all Purdue ID Cards to the ID Card Operations in Stewart Center. Please include a note with the card as to why it is being returned.
What is an official retiree?
Human Resources Policy can be found here https://www.purdue.edu/policies/human-resources/via1.html
How do I obtain my qualifying surviving spouse or qualifying surviving children ID?
Human Resources Policy can be found here https://www.purdue.edu/policies/human-resources/via1.html
How do I obtain my Purdue ID with my official Emerita/Emeritus status?
Human Resources Policy can be found here https://www.purdue.edu/policies/human-resources/via1.html
What if I have an error with incorrect spelling on my ID?
Any informational or processing errors — such as an incorrect spelling— must be corrected within the source system such as Banner or Success Factors.
Students refer to The Office of the Registrar, Employees refer to their Business Office
What if my classification is wrong on my ID card?
Any incorrect classification— must be corrected within the source system, such as Banner or Success Factors.
Students refer to The Office of the Registrar; employees refer to their Business Office.
Submit Photo
Where is the online photo submission application?
Please visit the Photo Submission tab at the top of the screen.
Who is eligible to use the online photo submission application?
Individuals with an active career account, 2-Factor authentication and PUID number who do not have a current photo on file.
What are the requirements for the photo submitted?
A recent, color photo of yourself, without filters.
Photo must be straight-on and eyes looking directly at the camera (no profile or angled pictures). Feel free to smile!
This picture is for identification purposes. The picture must clearly identify your person. No sunglasses, camera flash reflections, red-eye, lens flares, filters, animals, props, additional persons and jewelry or garments that obstruct a clear view of the face.
No hats or other head articles that obstruct your face or hair except for religious or medical purposes.
The photo must be from the top of shoulders to top of head with some blank space above the head and top edge of the photo (similar to a passport photo).
JPEG, PNG or GIF format only with a resolution between 500×500 and 4000×4000 pixels. This ensures your photo is of high quality and can be easily processed for the Purdue ID.
All photos are subject to approval.
Do I need to notify the ID Card Operations once I upload my photo?
No. The application will automatically notify our office that a photo has been received. All communications regarding the status of your Purdue ID will be sent to your Purdue email account. Check there to verify the status of your Purdue ID.
How will I know if my photo was accepted?
All communications regarding the status of your Purdue ID will be sent to your Purdue email account. If accepted, you will receive a verification email.
If your photo was not approved, you will receive an email stating Your Photo was Not Approved- Action Required including the reason the photo could not be accepted. You can then submit a new photo that meets all requirements at the same online address. The new photo will upload over the current photo posted and our office will receive automatic notification that a new photo has been submitted. Once the new photo is reviewed, you will receive email communications verifying the status for that photo.
Can I get a photo ID if I don’t submit a photo online?
Yes, you can have your photo taken in person in our office, Stewart Center, Room 194 during normal business hours.
Can I change my picture later?
The photo submission site cannot be used for replacement IDs. Please visit our office, Stewart Center, Room 194 to update your photo.
What if I don’t have a government-issued photo ID?
You can prove your identity with TWO of the following:
Concise class schedule with name and PUID number (electronic or printed)
Bursar bill with name and PUID number (electronic or printed)
Piece of mail with name and address
Paycheck stub with name and address
Credit or debit card
Certified copy of your birth certificate
Social Security card
A picture ID from another school or university
What do you do with my photo?
The photo you select is not just for your Purdue ID but is used in your academic profile and on class rosters, so select the best photo to represent you as a member of the University.
My Purdue ID
Mobile Credentials
Mobile Credentials-Student
Can I get Mobile Credentials if I have not submitted my photo?
No, the first step to installing Mobile Credentials is downloading the eAccounts App and submitting a photo. Once the photo is approved, you will be able to install the Mobile Credentials.
Can I still get a physical ID if my phone does not meet the requirements?
Yes, please see the Getting My Purdue ID Card tab for more information.
What does ‘Mobile First’ mean in the context of the mobile credentials system?
“Mobile First’ is a strategy used by many universities. And at Purdue, all incoming new students will be issued a Purdue Mobile ID, which will become their primary identification on campus. Physical ID cards, meantime, will be provided as an alternative to undergraduate students who do not have a smartphone device or if theirs is not compatible with Purdue’s mobile credentials system.
Who is eligible for mobile credentials
Purdue West Lafayette Students and Faculty/Staff
I have a question not answered on this site?
Contact the ID Card Operations at 765-494-7570 or email transact@purdue.edu. Business hours are Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm.
Do I need to reactivate my devices each term?
No. As long as your enrollment status meets our eligibility requirements, the device you have enrolled will remain current. For security purposes, we may deactivate devices that have not been used for an extended period. You can re-enroll those devices whenever you wish.
What if I am away from campus for the semester and I don’t want my Purdue Mobile ID Card on my device? Can I delete and re-add it later?
Yes, you can remove your credential from Apple Wallet and re-add it when you return.*
To remove your Purdue Mobile ID, navigate to the Wallet app, tap (…) in the lower right corner of your card and select Remove Card.
To remove your Apple Watch credential, navigate to the Watch app on your Phone, scroll to the bottom and select Wallet & Apple Pay. Tap on your Purdue Mobile ID, scroll to the bottom and select Remove Card.
*To add credentials back onto your device, you must meet eligibility requirements and not have exceeded the device limit for your Purdue ID.
Mobile Credentials-Faculty, Staff and Visiting Scholars
Will faculty/staff or visiting scholars be required to have a Purdue Mobile ID?
No, it is an option.
Will you charge for the Purdue Mobile ID?
No, there is no cost for a Purdue Mobile ID
Can a faculty /staff or visiting scholar still get a physical ID, either new or replacement?
Will I get a tech allowance if I download mobile credentials to my phone?
No, this will not qualify as a reason for a Tech Allowance, staff should check with their department on their departmental procedures and allowances.
Can a faculty/staff or visiting scholar have BOTH a physical ID and a Purdue Mobile ID?
Yes, but all standard terms and conditions apply.
Will my Purdue Mobile ID work everywhere I use it in my building?
We know that currently the Mobile ID does not work in all areas across campus, and staff will need to check with their department.
Mobile Credentials- Installation
I am not having success adding my Purdue Mobile ID to my device. Who can help me?
Contact the ID Card Operations at 765-494-7570 or email transact@purdue.edu. Business hours are Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm.
How do I change or recover my school login password?
Instructions can be found https://www.itap.purdue.edu/services/passwords.html
How do I activate and install the multi-factor authentication?
Instructions can be found at https://it.purdue.edu/services/boilerkey.php
Do I still need my physical Purdue ID?
Beginning in summer 2023, undergraduate students will no longer receive a physical ID card.
Can I still use my physical Purdue ID once I have created my Mobile ID?
Yes, your physical Purdue ID will continue to function after you have added your Purdue Mobile ID Card to your device. Remember, the Purdue Mobile ID is a privilege and benefit of being part of the Purdue community. Anyone found to be misusing their physical card or Mobile ID will be subject to the applicable Code of Conduct or HR policies regarding fraud and/or misconduct.
How do I update information on my Purdue Mobile ID Card?
Name information on the Purdue Mobile ID Card comes to us from the university’s core business systems and needs to be updated there. Students should contact the Registrar’s Office. Faculty and staff should contact their HR representative to request updates. Once changes are completed, the updates will sync to the Purdue Mobile ID Card on your phone within 48 hours.
How many devices can I add?
You can add either one iPhone and one Apple Watch, or one Android phone on your account at a time. See the ‘Securing My Account’ section below if you have lost a device and need to deactivate your credential.
Mobile Credentials- Your Device
Can I use Mobile ID if my phone’s battery is dead?
If you have any of the iPhone XS, XS Max or XR models, yes. Express Mode with power reserve is available for up to five hours when your phone needs to be charged. (For more details, see https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT208965.) iPhone models (iPhone 8 and earlier) do not offer this feature.
My country does not support Apple Wallet, what should I do?
Reset your region to the U.S. by following these instructions.
Apple Wallet
How do I add my Purdue Mobile ID Card to my new iPhone or Apple Watch?
First remove the pass from your old device from Apple Wallet. Once removed, go to the e-accounts app on your new iPhone and follow the steps to add to Apple Wallet.
Why can’t I double-tap the side button with my phone locked to see my balances in Apple Pay?
When using Express Mode (iPhone 6s or later), your Purdue ID will not be displayed with other cards in Apple Wallet for security reasons.
How do I check my iPhone device software version?
On your device, go to Settings>General>Software Updates.
If your device is running iOS 12.2 or later, you’re ready to use the Mobile ID.
If not, tap Download>Install. You may need to enter your passcode to start the update.
Once the download is complete, follow the instructions on your phone to finish upgrading to the latest version of iOS.
How do I check my Apple Watch device and/or software version?
Apple Watch software version can be found at https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204641
What if I have questions about my Apple ID or iCloud?
Information can be found at https://support.apple.com/apple-id or https://support.apple.com/icloud
Can I delete my Purdue Mobile ID Card from Apple Wallet through the Transact eAccounts mobile app?
Yes, but we recommend using the Remove Card option directly from Apple Wallet.
From iPhone:
Navigate to the Wallet app.
Tap (…) in the lower right corner of your card.
Scroll to the bottom and select Remove Card.
Eligible cardholders who have not exceeded their device limit can add their Mobile ID back at any time.
From Apple Watch:
Navigate to the Watch app on your iPhone.
Scroll down and select Wallet & Apply Pay.
Tap on Transact Mobile Credential.
Scroll to the bottom and select Remove Card.
Eligible cardholders who have not exceeded their device limit can add their Purdue Mobile ID Card back at any time.
From Transact eAccounts:
Open the Transact eAccounts Mobile App on your phone.
Tap Continue to Sign In and login with BoilerKey.
Approve the multi-factor authentication request.
Click on your photo in the upper left corner.
Under Campus ID, click the icon in the upper right corner of your Purdue Mobile ID Card display.
Tap Add or Remove Campus ID from Wallet at the bottom of the back of your Purdue Mobile ID Card display.
Select device(s) to remove from your card.
Tap Remove in the pop-up box.
Google Wallet
Can I use Mobile ID if my phone’s battery is dead?
No, Android phones using Google Wallet will not continue to work once the battery is dead.
How do I verify and/or update my Android phone device version and software?
From your device tap: Settings>About Phone>Software Information
To update, from your device tap: Settings >General >Software Update >Download >Install >Passcode may be required. Your device will display the estimated download time.
My country does not support Google Wallet, what should I do?
Reset your region to the U.S. by following these instructions.
Google Wallet
Can I delete my Purdue Mobile ID Card from Google Wallet through the Transact eAccounts mobile app?
Yes, but we recommend the Remove Card option directly from Google Wallet.
From Google Pay:
Open Google Pay.
Select your Campus ID from the available cards.
Touch the three dots in the upper right corner of the screen.
Select Remove ID.
Confirm Remove ID selection.
From Transact eAccounts:
Open the Transact eAccounts Mobile App on your phone.
Tap Continue to Sign In and login with BoilerKey.
Approve the multi-factor authentication request.
Click on your photo in the upper left corner.
Under Campus ID, click the icon in the upper right corner of your Purdue Mobile ID Card display.
Tap Add or Remove Campus ID from Wallet at the bottom of the back of your Purdue Mobile ID Card display.
Select device(s) to remove from your card.
Tap Remove in the pop-up box.
Tap on the Remove Card notification at the top of the screen or go to Google Pay and tap Remove Card displayed under your Purdue Mobile ID Card.
Tap Remove in the pop-up box and the card will be removed from your Google Pay.
Samsung Wallet
Can I use Mobile ID if my phone’s battery is dead?
For eligible Samsung Galaxy phones and watches, yes. Users can make up to 15 transactions within 24 hours after their phone or watch powers off due to low battery.
Can I delete my Purdue Mobile ID Card from Google Wallet through the Transact eAccounts mobile app?
Yes, but we recommend the Remove Card Option directly from Samsung Wallet.
From a Samsung Galaxy Phone :
- Open the Samsung Wallet app.
- Select Quick access and tap on your Mobile ID card.
- Tap (…) in the upper right corner.
- Select Delete.
- Eligible cardholders who have not exceeded their device limit can add their Mobile ID back at any time.
From a Samsung Galaxy Watch:
The Student ID should now be successfully removed from your Galaxy Watch
Open Galaxy Wearable app.
Tap Watch settings.
Tap Student ID.
Tap the Ellipsis/More Options icon “-” button in the top right corner.
Tap Delete.
Tap Delete once more to confirm.
Verify with PIN or Fingerprint.
Confirmed with “Student ID Deleted”.
Mobile Credentials- Managing Your Accounts
Where can I use my Purdue Mobile ID Card for Board Plans, Dining Dollars, BoilerExpress, Retail Dining Memberships, and Printing?
- Door Access (Undergraduate student spaces)
- Libraries
- Printing at PAO Hall
- Aramark Retail Dining Memberships
- Residential and Retail Dining Locations
Why are my account balance(s) not displaying?
Mobile Credential will only display your BoilerExpress and Dining Dollar Balance. To see your meal plan balance, refer to the eAccounts App.
If your account balances are $0, they will not display until funds are added.
If you have available funds that are not displaying, please contact the Purdue ID Operations at 765-494-7570 email transact@purdue.edu. Business hours are Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm.
My balance is different on my device than in Transact eAccounts?
Confirm your device is not in Airplane Mode or experiencing any other service interruption. Updates cannot be made when there is no connecting service to sync data between Transact eAccounts and your device. The Transact eAccounts app will display the most current information.
I am graduating or leaving the University. What will happen to my Mobile ID?
As with your physical Purdue ID, your Purdue Mobile ID Card will become inactive when you no longer meet eligibility requirements. If you transfer to another participating program or department at Purdue University, your credentials will stay active and update accordingly.
Mobile Credentials- eAccounts-Mobile App Features
I already have the Transact eAccounts mobile app installed. Do I need to update?
Yes, you will need to install the updated version of the Transact eAccounts mobile app.
How do I update the Transact eAccounts mobile app?
On your device, visit the App Store or Google Play Store and search Transact eAccounts. The store will prompt you to install any required updates.
How do I reactivate my credential if I find my lost device?
To reactivate a found device that was suspended, perform the following steps:
In the Transact eAccounts App:
- Click the settings gear in the upper right corner.
- Select the Card Management option.
- Choose the credential you want to reactivate and toggle it on.
- You will receive a confirmation email. Only the selected card will be reactivated.
In the Transact eAccounts Web Version:
- Select Card Services
- Select Activate Card
- Select the credential to reactivate
- You will receive a confirmation email. Only the selected card will be reactivated.
How do I reactivate my credential if I find my lost device?
In the Transact eAccounts App:
- Click the settings gear in the upper right corner.
- Select the Card Management option.
- Choose the credential you want to reactivate and toggle it on.
- You will receive a confirmation email. Only the selected card will be reactivated.
In the Transact eAccounts Web Version:
You will receive a confirmation email. Only the selected card will be reactivated.
Select Card Services
Select Activate Card
Select the credential to reactivate
How do I Deactivate / Activate my credentials in eAccounts?
How to Deactivate Card
Step 1 Select Deactivate Card

Step 2: Select the account(s) you want to disable
- If you have multiple available you will need to disable all of them

How to Reactivate Card
Step 1: Choose Deactivate Card

Step 2: Choose Activate Card

Step 3: Select the account(s) you want to reactivate
- If you have multiple you will need to reactivate all of them

Step 4: Select ACTIVATE CARD
How do I change my PIN in eAccounts?
Change Card PIN
Step 1: Choose Deactivate Card

Step 2: Choose Change Card Pin

Step 3: Enter current Pin and select new Pin

Step 4: Choose CHANGE PIN
Mobile Credentials – vote-ready ID card
What are the acceptable forms of identification for voting in Indiana?
In the state of Indiana, you must bring an acceptable ID with a photo and printed expiration date. The following qualify as acceptable forms of identification:
- United States Passport
- Military or veteran’s ID will also work (no expiration date required)
- Hard Copy of Purdue ID with printed expiration date
- Indiana Drivers License
- Indiana state-issued ID
What are my options for a physical ID as a Mobile First student?
Mobile First students who are eligible to vote in this year’s election can receive for free a vote-ready photo ID that meets state election requirements.
Is everyone eligible for a vote-ready ID card?
No. The vote-ready ID is limited to domestic, out-of-state Purdue Mobile First students who were issued mobile credentials — but not a hard-copy ID — for their smartphones and other mobile devices as their primary university ID through the Mobile First effort within the Purdue Mobile ID rollout.
What does the Purdue vote-ready ID cards look like?

Where do I get my Purdue vote-ready ID card?
Purdue vote-ready ID cards will be printed on demand while you wait in KRACH Leadership Center, Room 336 in partnership with the PurdueVotes Coalition.
When can I get my Purdue vote-ready ID card?
October 8, 2024- November 5, 2024, between 9am-5pm, Monday- Friday.
Can I get my vote-ready ID card at any time?
No. The vote-ready IDs are only offered prior to elections.
Can I use my Purdue Mobile ID for voting?
No. Purdue students registered to vote in Tippecanoe County will either need a hard-copy Purdue ID with a printed expiration date, or an Indiana driver’s license, a U.S. passport, a military ID or a free Indiana ID card from the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Because of Indiana law, mobile IDs are not accepted as voting credentials at polling locations across the state.
Do I need to submit a new photo for my Purdue vote-ready ID?
No. You do not need to submit a new photo for your Purdue vote-ready ID card. The ID card will display the same picture used on your Purdue Mobile ID. You must have an approved photo in our system to obtain a Purdue vote-ready ID.
If I have a physical Purdue ID Card, can I still get a Purdue vote-ready ID card?
No. The vote-ready ID cards are only offered to Mobile First students who have not received a physical ID card.
Will my vote-ready ID card expire?
Yes. Your Purdue vote-ready ID will expire 6 years from the date the card was printed.
Is the Purdue vote-ready ID card the same as my Purdue ID Card?
No. The vote-ready IDs are not equipped with any technology and cannot be used by students in the place of your officially credentialed Purdue Mobile ID. It is not to be used for identification except as Purdue-issued voter identification for Mobile First students.
Will students be notified of this vote-ready ID card option?
Yes. Purdue Mobile First students will be directly notified by the university on the details for obtaining the vote-ready ID during a limited period ahead of the current election date.
Where can I get more information about student voting?
Purdue ID Card
Purdue ID Card – Lost card
What do I do if I lost my Purdue ID Card
If your Purdue ID card has been lost, stolen, or damaged (including a punctured hole in the card), the ID Card Operations can replace it.
- Visit the ID Card Fees for more information on potential costs
- Visit the Purdue ID Card Operations, Stewart Center, Room 194 during business hours, Monday – Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm.
- Provide a government-issued photo ID such as a driver’s license, state-issued ID, military ID, or passport to verify identity
- Not sure if you need to replace your ID? You can contact our office if you need help troubleshooting your ID card issues.
Purdue ID Card – How to get a card
Where do I get my Purdue ID card?
Please visit the Purdue ID Card Operations, Stewart Center, Room 194 during business hours, Monday – Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm.
When do I get my Purdue ID card?
Undergrad and graduate students:
Students must be enrolled for classes before we can issue a Purdue ID card.
Faculty and staff:
Faculty and Staff members are eligible upon receiving their Purdue email address and/or their PUID number through the onboarding process
You can obtain your PUID number by contacting your business office or department, or by logging onto Employee Self Service (ESS). Once you are logged into ESS, click on Personal Information, then click on Additional Personal Data.
Visiting scholars:
International visiting scholars must have a completed SEVIS form from the Office of International Students and Scholars, located in Young Hall 5th floor. A Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor Status (also known as a J-1 or DS-2019) must be provided along with your current passport.
Domestic visiting scholars:
Domestic visiting scholars must have an appointment letter on departmental letterhead that is signed by the department head, Dean and the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs (or their designee) stating the term of their stay at Purdue. You will also need to provide a government-issued photo identification card such as a driver´s license or passport.
Official University retirees:
Retirees from the West Lafayette campus must show their official retiree letter and provide their current ID card to trade for a retiree ID card.
*Please note that ID card information is processed on a daily basis and our office requires one to three business days to receive information after it is originally submitted to the Purdue system. Our office is unable to produce ID cards before they are in our system.
Can I have my Purdue ID card mailed to me?
Sorry, but no Purdue ID cards can be mailed. You are required to show an official government-issued photo ID when you pick up your card.
Can anyone pick up my Purdue ID card for me?
Only the cardholder can pick up their Purdue ID card. You will be required to show a government-issued photo ID when you pick it up.
Purdue ID Card – Eligibility
Who gets a Purdue ID card?
All persons affiliated with the University as a student, faculty member, staff member or affiliate will be assigned a PUID number upon joining the University community and then be eligible for an ID card.
eAccounts – General
I used my credit card at a participating retail location when I meant to use my Purdue Mobile ID Card. What can I do to correct my payment source?
Return to the location of the sale and request the store issue a credit card refund, then process the transaction against your Purdue Mobile ID Card.
Why do I have a negative balance on my BoilerExpress or Dining Dollars account?
A negative balance can occur if you make a transaction when a retail device is offline. When the device comes back online and the transaction is posted, you will see a negative balance if there are not enough funds in your account to cover the transaction.
How can I review transaction history for BoilerExpress and/or Dining Dollars?
You can verify 12 months of transaction activity online by logging into eAccounts using your career account login and BoilerKey.
Transaction History
Step 1: Choose Account Transactions

Step 2: Search or Refine

Step 3: Select Account

Step 4: Select Transaction Type

eAccounts – BoilerExpress
Who is Eligible for BoilerExpress?
A BoilerExpress declining balance account is available to the following individuals at the West Lafayette Campus:
- Staff and faculty currently employed by Purdue.
- Students in active status according to Banner.
Terms and Conditions
BoilerExpress Debit Account Terms & Conditions
BoilerExpress Disclosure Statement
- Consumer Liability: Tell us AT ONCE if you believe your card has been lost or stolen, or if you believe that an electronic fund transfer has been made without your permission. Telephoning is the best way of keeping your possible losses down. You could lose all the money in your account. If you tell us within 2 business days after you learn of the loss or theft of your card, you can lose no more than $50 if someone used your card without your permission.
If you do NOT tell us within 2 business days after you learn of the loss or theft of your card, and we can prove we could have stopped someone from using your card without your permission if you had told us, you could lose as much as $500.
Also, if your statement shows transfers that you did not make, tell us at once. If you do not tell us within 60 days after the statement was mailed to you, you may not get back any money you lost after the 60 days if we can prove that we could have stopped someone from taking the money if you had told us in time. If a good reason (such as a long trip or a hospital stay) kept you from telling us, we will extend the time periods.
- Contact in Event of Unauthorized Transfer: ID Card Operations, 128 Memorial Mall, Rm 194, West Lafayette, IN 47907 or online at boilerexpress@purdue.edu or (765-494-7570).
- Business Days: For purposes of these disclosures, our business days are Monday through Friday. Purdue University Holidays are not included. For official Purdue University Holidays, see: https://calendar.purdue.edu
- Transfer Types and Limitations: You may use your card for purchases at locations that have agreed to accept BoilerExpress for payment and cash deposits to your card may be made at BoilerExpress Stations. Services may be limited at some locations. Certain locations may have a limit on the dollar amounts of individual purchases. There are no limitations on the number of purchases. No transfers can be made from other Purdue University accounts. No cash withdraws can be made, unless you are closing your account.
- Fees: BoilerExpress We may close accounts when you are no longer enrolled in, or employed by, Purdue University. A fee of $25.00 is charged to close an account. Proceeds from the closed account will be paid through the Office of the Bursar and will be subject to offsets against other debts you owe Purdue University. The Office of the Bursar will not process a refund of balance for less than $5.00. There is no fee to close an account with a $0 balance. The BoilerExpress account does not pay interest. Except as stated above, there are no per transfer charges, fixed charges, or minimum balances charges. Purdue ID Card There is a fee of $25.00 to replace lost, stolen, or damaged cards.
- Confidentiality of Account Information: We will disclose information to third parties about your account of the transfer you make:
(i) Where it is necessary for completing the transfer, or (ii) In order to verify the existence and condition of your account for a third party, such as a credit bureau or merchant, or (iii) In Order to comply with government agency or court orders.
- Receipts:
- You can get a receipt at the time you make a purchase unless the purchase is at an electronic terminal and is in the amount of $15.00 or less.
- Periodic Statements:
- Customers can go online at https://www.purdue.edu/eaccounts and view statements on demand by logging in with a user name and password.
- Our Liability For Failure to Make Transfers:
- If we do not complete a transfer to or from your account on time or in the correct amount according to our agreement with you, we will be liable for your losses or damages. However, there are some exceptions. We will not be liable, for instance:
A. If, through no fault of ours, you do not have enough money in your account to make the transfer. B. If the [terminal] [system] was not working properly and you knew about the breakdown when you started the transfer. C. If circumstances beyond our control (such as fire or flood) prevent the transfer, despite reasonable precautions that we have taken. D. There may be other exceptions stated in our agreement with you.
- Error Resolution: In Case of Errors or Questions About Your Electronic Transfers Telephone us at 765-494-7570, Write us at ID Card Operations, 128 Memorial Mall, Rm 194, West Lafayette, IN 47907, or e-mail us at boilerexpress@purdue.edu, as soon as you can. If you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transfer listed on the statement or receipt. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent the FIRST statement on which the problem or error appeared
A. Tell us your name and account number (if any). B. Describe the error or the transfer you are unsure about and explain as clearly as you can why you believe it is an error or why you need more information. C. Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error.
If you tell us orally, we may require that you send us your complaint or questions in writing within 10 business days.
We will determine whether an error occurred within 10 business days after we hear from you and will correct any error promptly. If we need more time, however, we may take up to 45 days to investigate your complaint or questions. If we decide to do this, we will credit your account within 10 business days for the amount you think is in error, so that you will have the use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. If we ask you to put your complaint or question in writing and we do not receive it within 10 business days, we may not credit your account.
For errors involving new accounts, point-of-sale, or foreign-initiated transactions, we may take up to 90 days to investigate your complaint or question. For new accounts, we may take up to 20 business days to credit your account for the amount you think is in error.
We will tell you the results within three business days after completing our investigation. If we decide that there was no error, we will send you a written explanation. You may ask for copies of the documents that we used in our investigation.
Boiler Express Additional Terms:
In addition to the terms and conditions contained in the disclosure statement, the following terms and conditions also apply.
- Minimum deposits of $1 or more may be made at any time. Deposits are credited to your account on the day they are received.
- We may close accounts when you are no longer enrolled in, or employed by, Purdue University. Proceeds from the closed accounts will be paid through the Office of the Bursar and will be subject to offset against other debts owed to Purdue University. A fee of $25.00 is charged to close an account. The Bursar will not issue checks for balances under $5. Please allow six weeks for processing account closure requests. Please email BoilerExpress@purdue.edu for instructions and next steps to close your account.
- Your BoilerExpress account balance will be carried forward from semester to semester as long as you are enrolled in, or employed by, Purdue University.
- Cash refunds are not made for returned merchandise. Cash withdrawals are not permitted.
- Future changes in terms and conditions regulating the use of BoilerExpress account and cards will apply to all cards in circulation and use at the future date and will supersede the terms and conditions in effect at the time the card was acquired.
- Your BoilerExpress account will only be established if you accept the terms and conditions by clicking “I accept” below or you sign, date, and deliver and paper application, accepting the terms and conditions, to ID Card Operations, 128 Memorial Mall, Rm 194, West Lafayette, IN 47907.
- You are only eligible for a BoilerExpress account while actively on campus. Visiting scholars, temporary employees, and official retirees are not eligible
Consent To Conduct Business Electronically
- Purdue University utilizes electronic processes wherever possible in order to assure accuracy and to expedite business transactions. When you select the “Continue” button below, you consent to having communications provided or made available to you in electronic form and to entering into agreements and transactions using electronic records. Your current agreement expires on this October 1st, and will require a new acceptance for processing transactions after that date. The agreement and transactions will be executed using electronic methods. The transactions specifically covered by this agreement include the following: Boiler Express Accounts including disclosures, agreements, periodic statements and all communications.
- In order to conduct business electronically with Purdue, you must use a computer with a supported operating system and internet browser, sufficient electronic storage capacity on the computer’s hard drive or other data storage unit, a printer that is capable of printing from the browser, and email software.
- I understand that only the person whose Purdue University career account was used to enter this web site may conduct business on this site. I understand that any other use is unlawful and, if you are a student, is considered a serious violation of the University Regulations.
- Purdue University reserves the right to provide records in paper format at any time. You agree, however, that Purdue University is not required to provide you with records in paper format, except you may require Purdue University to provide you a paper copy, if a statute, regulation, or other rule of law requires that information relating to a transaction or transactions in or affecting interstate commerce by provided or made available to you in writing, including an IRS Form 1098T, at anytime by withdrawing your consent to conduct business electronically. If you want to retain a paper copy of any records provided electronically, you should print a copy from the computer.
- The agreement and transactions are made and governed under Indiana substantive law without regard to conflict of laws rules. Any disputes or claims against Purdue University related to these electronic agreements or transactions must be brought within a Court in Tippecanoe County, Indiana, USA.
- When presented with the Consent to Conduct Business Electronically statement, if you do not agree with any of these items, you should logout of the myPurdue portal. Please note by doing so, you will not be able to use the myPurdue portal to conduct business electronically with Purdue University. This includes not being able to register, access student accounts, or access other student-related information online.
- If you do not consent, or withdraw your consent to electronically enter into business transactions, you must contact the Office of the Registrar. However, if you withdraw consent, any agreements or transactions between you and Purdue University during the period after your consent to do business electronically, and before your withdraw of consent, will be valid and binding on all parties. For more information about conducting business in a non-electronic medium, withdrawing consent to conduct business electronically and fees and charges for paper copies, see the Office of the Registrar web site or visit their Student Services Office in Suite 176 at 128 Memorial Mall, Lafayette, IN 47907.
- I agree to abide by all of the policies outlined in the Purdue University’s University Regulations, as hereinafter amended from time to time, available at http://www.purdue.edu/univregs/, including the Code of Student Conduct and the Purdue University Honor Code and the policies regarding financial responsibility.
- I understand that email serves as the primary means of communication from Purdue University to enrolled students, and that Purdue University may communicate using only this method of communication for some administrative processes.
- I understand that it is my responsibility to provide Purdue with Emergency Contact Information in addition to local and permanent address, email, and telephone updates, in order to provide for timely communication should it be necessary to contact me or my designee. I understand that Emergency Contact, address update information and updated information needed to contact me electronically may be added through the myPurdue portal under Personal Information.
Where can I use BoilerExpress?
BoilerExpress is accepted at all Purdue Food Company locations across campus as well as Purdue Dining & Culinary locations that accept BoilerExpress
Is the BoilerExpress program ending?
After many years of serving the Purdue community, the BoilerExpress stored value account program will officially close on June 30, 2025.
Why is the BoilerExpress program ending?
This decision was made to better align with our campus community’s evolving needs and simplify payment options for students, faculty, and staff. Customers are encouraged to check their balances online via eAccounts, and use up all remaining funds before June 30, 2025
Is there a fee to close my BoilerExpress account?
There is a $25.00 fee to close the account per our terms and conditions.
How do I Sign Up for BoilerExpress
Gaining access to your account allows you to view your balance and online statements, monitor transactions and add funds. Your account takes about five minutes to set up, after which you can log into eAccounts with your Purdue career account and password.
Sign Up
The BoilerExpress declining balance account feature is perhaps the most popular aspect of the versatile Purdue ID card. Here’s how you can activate this feature:
Sign up.
Accept our terms and conditions.
After just a few minutes, your account will be set up automatically and you will be able to access your account through eAccounts.
How can I access My BoilerExpress account?
Need information about your account? eAccounts, our online portal, makes it easy to manage your ID card. You can check your Dining Dollar balance, add money to your BoilerExpress account, and view transaction history. Parents and families can even deposit extra funds directly to your account.
Check out our eAccounts FAQs tab for tutorials.
How can I add funds to my BoilerExpress account?
You can quickly and securely add money to your BoilerExpress account online with eAccounts after your account has been set up. Please note that there is a $1.00 fee per deposit when using the eAccounts portal.
How to Make Deposits
Step 1: Choose add money

Step 2: Fill out Make Account Deposit form

Step 3: Fill out credit card payment form

Step 4: Chose MAKE DEPOSIT

How to Make Guest Deposits
Step 1: Fill out form with First Name, Last Name, and purdue.edu email address

Step 2: Choose account and deposit amount
- Please note their is a $1 convince fee

Step 3: Fill out credit card payment form

Step 4: Chose MAKE DEPOSIT

How can I close my BoilerExpress account?
BoilerExpress account closures are only permitted when students are graduating, withdrawing from the University or at the end of the spring semester. This will close your account.
If your account is under $30.00, you will need to be sure to spend all of the money in your account, as you will not be eligible for a refund. Any remaining funds will be forfeited per the terms and conditions of your BoilerExpress account.
If you wish to close your account, please email BoilerExpress@purdue.edu. There is a $25.00 fee to close the account. Please allow six weeks for processing.
If you owe money to the University, the refund goes toward the balance owed. If you are signed up for direct deposit and no money is owed, a refund will go directly into the account you have set up. If you do not have direct deposit, then a check is written and mailed to the address you have on file with the university. Please check which address you have on file. Please note that we do not send mail to non-U.S. addresses.
eAccounts – PaperCut Account
Staff cannot print when their quota has been exceeded. Funds can be added to a staff account by completing the form Request for Additional Print Quota.
Students can transfer funds to their print quota from their BoilerExpress account by using the Add Credit link on the PaperCut Account Summary page.
For more information about your printing account visit: https://www.itap.purdue.edu/facilities/instructionallabs/printing/
Preferred Name
What is a preferred name?
Many individuals on campus have expressed a desire to be known by a name different than their legal name. This different name would be a preferred name.
How do I change my preferred name?
Students can change their preferred name via the myPurdue portal. Please note:
- It may take up to three business days for the update to appear.
- You will need to take your current ID to Purdue ID Card Operations and trade it in for a new ID with the preferred name.
- There will be a replacement fee charged.
Faculty and staff can change their preferred name at Purdue ID Card Operations.
Where else does my preferred name appear?
The legal name will continue to be used in business processes that require use of the legal name, such as for payroll records and student transcripts.
Who can get their preferred name on their Purdue ID card?
Faculty, staff, retiree and student cardholders may have an appropriate preferred name used on their Purdue ID cards.
How do I get my preferred name on my Purdue ID card?
Students, staff and faculty can come to Purdue ID Card Operations and request a replacement Purdue ID card with their preferred name printed on the card. There is a replacement fee. Our staff will determine if the preferred name is in our system and meets our guidelines. Customers can choose to get a new photo or use the same photo on file. All customers must surrender their current Purdue ID card.
Are there limitations on the preferred name?
The individual is free to determine the preferred name they want to use in the University’s information systems. Establishing a preferred name in Banner does not automatically give one the right to put the name on the Purdue ID card.
Your Purdue-issued ID card is your official University ID and is the property of Purdue University. Purdue reserves the right to decline the ID holder’s request to print a preferred name on the Purdue ID card if the name is deemed inappropriate. Inappropriate preferred names include but are not limited to those that avoid legal obligation, misrepresent, harass or threaten. In most cases, a preferred name should not be a message, company or group name, especially if it is for promotional purposes.
What can I do if a preferred name is deemed inappropriate?
Individuals with preferred names deemed inappropriate can:
- Obtain a Purdue ID card with just their legal name.
- Change their preferred name in Banner and return later to our office for a Purdue ID card with revised appropriate preferred name.
- Appeal the decision.
How does the appeal process work?
To appeal the decision of the Purdue ID Card Operations staff, please send us an email stating your request to appeal the decision. Please explain your position as completely as possible on why you believe the preferred name is appropriate.
Purdue ID Card Operations administrators will contact the Registrar’s Office, Human Resources or Purdue Trademarks and Licensing to discuss the appeal and then contact the cardholder with a final decision. These offices have the ultimate authority in determining the appropriateness of preferred names. An email response will be sent to inform the cardholder of the decision within 30 days of the request. At that point, the decision will be considered final. If the request has been approved, the Purdue ID Card Operations staff must issue a Purdue ID card with the approved preferred name.
Will my legal name also appear on the card?
The legal name will be printed on the reverse side of the Purdue ID card.
Is there a charge to get my preferred name on my Purdue ID card?
No. When you surrender your current card, you can receive a new card containing your preferred name at no charge