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Giant Leaps Access Cards
Loaner Card

Loaner Cards are valid only if properly issued in accordance with the Loaner Card Issuance Form.
Only the individual to whom the Card is issued is eligible to use the Card. Use of the Card for unauthorized purposes is not permitted. Access is valid from the check-out date until either the due date or the check in date, whichever is sooner. A Loaner Cardholder may possess only one Card at a time. Cards are non-transferable. A Card is subject to confiscation if found in possession of anyone other than the issued Cardholder. Cardholders are subject to a $25.00 fee for the replacement of a lost or stolen card.
All Cards are property of Purdue University. Any misuse, defacement, modification, alteration, tampering, or deliberate damage to a Card and any falsification, forgery, fraudulent or illegal use of the Card may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. Purdue University will refer suspected law violations to appropriate law enforcement authorities. Purdue University assumes no responsibility for the misuse of a Card.
To request Loaner Card(s) please follow this link to complete the Loaner Access Card Request Form in TDX.
Vendor Card

Any vendor needing door access ID Cards must go through the Procurement Office to facilitate a formal request. The Procurement Office may request ID Cards on behalf of a vendor by emailing a request for a specific number of cards to at least 3 business days prior to the desired card pickup date. ID Card Operations / Support will coordinate a pickup time with the Procurement office. Cards must be picked up in person by the procurement office designee at the ID Card Operations / Support.
At the time of pickup, the Procurement Office designee will complete and sign the Receipt of Cards Form. By signing the Receipt of Cards Form, the designee understands and agrees to distribute cards only to the contracted vendor for which cards were requested.
The procurement office must distribute cards to the vendor representative within 48 hours of receipt from the ID Card Operations / Support. Any cards not issued within 48 hours must be returned to the ID Card Operations / Support. Unissued cards will be deactivated at that time.
Before distribution of the cards to the vendor representative (who will distribute cards to individual vendor personnel), the procurement office must verify the identity of each individual representative via a valid government issued photo ID.
Chain of custody of each card must be tracked utilizing the Vendor Card Issuance Form. Vendor cards are valid only if properly issued in accordance with the Vendor Card Issuance Form.
Only the individual vendor personnel to whom the vendor representative issued the card is eligible to use the card. Use of the card for unauthorized purposes is not permitted. Access is valid from the check out date until either the due date or the check in date, whichever is sooner.
An individual vendor cardholder may possess only one Card at a time. Cards are non-transferable. A Card is subject to confiscation if found in possession of anyone other than the vendor representative or the individual vendor personnel to which it is issued.
The procurement office is subject to a $25.00 fee for the replacement of a lost or stolen card.
All Cards are property of Purdue University. Any misuse, defacement, modification, alteration, tampering, or deliberate damage to a Card and any falsification, forgery, fraudulent or illegal use of the Card may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. Purdue University will refer suspected law violations to appropriate law enforcement authorities. Purdue University assumes no responsibility for the misuse of a vendor Card.
Guest Card

Any Guest needing door access Guest Access Card must go through the Merchant Administrator to facilitate a formal request. The Merchant Administrator may request Guest Access Cards on behalf of a Guest by submitting a request form for each requested card, at least 5 business days prior to the desired card delivery date. ID Card Operations / Support will coordinate a pickup time with the Merchant Administrator. Cards will be sent via Campus Mail to the Merchant Administrator who submitted the request.
Upon receiving requested cards, the Merchant Administrator will complete and sign the Receipt of Cards Form online. By signing the Receipt of Cards Form, the designee understands and agrees to distribute cards only to the Guest for which cards were requested.
Before distribution of the cards to the Guest, the Merchant Administrator must verify the identity of each individual representative via a valid government issued photo ID.
Chain of custody of each card must be tracked utilizing the Guest Card Issuance Form. Guest cards are valid only if properly issued in accordance with the Guest Card Issuance Form.
Only the individual Guest to whom the Merchant Administrator issued the card to, is eligible to use the card. Use of the card for unauthorized purposes is not permitted. Access is valid from the check out date until either the due date or the check in date, whichever is sooner.
An individual Guest cardholder may possess only one Card at a time. Cards are non-transferable. A Card is subject to confiscation if found in possession of anyone other than the Guest representative or the individual Guest personnel to which it is issued.
The Guest is subject to a $25.00 fee for the replacement of a lost or stolen card.
All Cards are property of Purdue University. Any misuse, defacement, modification, alteration, tampering, or deliberate damage to a Guest Card and any falsification, forgery, fraudulent or illegal use of the Card may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. Purdue University will refer suspected law violations to appropriate law enforcement authorities. Purdue University assumes no responsibility for the misuse of a Guest Card.
To request Guest Card(s) please follow this link to complete the Guest Access Card Request Form in TDX
Door Access Control Work Order
Please complete this form for new door access devices after work order submitted with Electronics Shop.
Door Access Control Work Order Form
Mobile Credential Reader Request

Are you interested in learning more about mobile credentials? Please provide us a few details and we will work with you to find a solution that fits your use case needs.
Mobile Credential Reader Inquiry Form
Knowledge Based Articles
What is Transact?
Transaction System Enterprise (TSE) Application is owned by Transact Campus. They also support the Transact CloudPOS system for Point of Sale, referred to as QuadPoint.
TSE is an on-premise transaction system application used for door access, meal plans and stored value accounts. Purdue West Lafayette shares this enterprise application with the Fort Wayne campus. Transact TSE also connects to the Instant ID software system used to produce the physical Purdue ID Card at the West Lafayette Campus and the Mastodon Card at the Fort Wayne Campus.
TSE supports access both with the physical ID card as well as Transact Mobile Credentials.
ID Card Operations / Support is the system owner and manages the TSE day-to-day operational system support. Transact is used for over 1250 doors in 108 buildings at the West Lafayette Campus, board plans and stored value accounts in Residential Dining and all Aramark locations as well as ID Card production.
Door access is managed by the individual building deputies or door access administrators for their assigned buildings. University Residences manages all door access to the residence halls. Most door access administrators utilize the Access Control Tool, ACT, to manage door access.
Board plans are assigned and managed through University Residences and the ID Card Operations / Support. You will also hear the term Meal Exchange which is how customers use their board plans to purchase food in the retail locations around campus.
Stored value accounts include Dining Dollars, BoilerExpress, Aramark Retail Dining Membership plans, and HTM gift cards. Dining Dollars may only be purchased as part of a board plan through University Residences.
Transaction System Enterprise, TSE is managed by ID Card Operations / Support. See the KB Internal Notes for routing tickets.
What is Transact Mobile Credentials?
Transact Mobile Credentials is technology that enables authorized users the ability download the Transact eAccount app, add their Purdue Mobile ID to either Apple Wallet or Google Wallet, and use their iPhones, Apple Watches, or Android smartphones to access campus buildings, purchase meals and more the same as they would their physical Purdue ID Card.
Mobile Credential uses industry-leading innovation to support a unique, efficient student experience. With Near Field Communication (NFC), students don’t need to open an app to use their student ID–the phone just needs to be powered on with a lit screen for Google Wallet and have sufficient power for Apple Wallet. Details about Mobile Credentials can be found at the ID Card Operations / Support website.
With the Purdue Mobile ID, students will simply hold their mobile device to a reader to access residence halls and campus buildings, make transactions using BoilerExpress, Dining Dollars, Residential Dining Membership, meal plans and even pay for laundry.
Mobile Credentials utilizes a standard encrypted 16-digit ISO number vs the PUID number encoded on the mag stripe in our current plastic credentials. Mobile credential is compatible with Transact and certified third-party partner and hardware integrations.
Departmental mobile device readers and support
Departments who have special-use cases for the Purdue ID and want to ensure that their ID use cases and technology will support Purdue Mobile ID can reach out to ID Card Operations/Support for options and support. There are various technolgy solutions available to fit each need, and there also will be options to rent equipment for special events as needed. For more information visit the ID Card Operations / Support website.
The Purdue Mobile ID effort is being launched specifically for the student population on the West Lafayette campus; faculty and staff will continue to use physical IDs and are not participating in the Purdue Mobile ID program.
Students also will be able to keep their physical ID cards during this first phase of the Purdue Mobile ID launch. Beginning summer 2023, Purdue plans to start moving all incoming students to the mobile identification system, gradually phasing out the need for the hard-copy ID card for its 50,000 students on the West Lafayette campus.
Setting up Purdue Mobile ID
To get started, download the Transact eAccounts app, select Purdue, and authenticate with your two-factor authentication. Visit the for the links to download and access your Purdue Mobile ID.
What is Transact eAccounts?
Transact Campus eAccounts is a third-party add-on to the Transact system (formerly Blackboard Transact).
eAccounts by Transact [Boilerkey required to log in] is a highly customizable and secure web-based and mobile self-service portal that lets students view account balances and transactions, make deposits, manage security features, submit a photo, activate, and deactivate campus cards, receive deposits from others for their BoilerExpress account.
The eAccount app, available in either Google Play Store or the App Store is required for Mobile Credentials.
eAccount users require BoilerKey authentication at the West Lafayette Campus, while Fort Wayne users follow a slightly different procedure and those customers should follow instructions given at PFW Campus Credentials and Transportation’s website.
Guest deposits for BoilerExpress can be made using the eAccounts website under eAccount Guest Deposits.
Additionally, eAccounts is used to check balances on board plans, Dining Dollars, and BoilerExpress, HTM or Retail Dining Membership stored value accounts. eAccounts is also used to upload photos for first time users in to the Transact system.
Transact eAccounts is configured to work best using Google Chrome.
Information regarding eAccounts can be found at ID Card Operations / Support including instructions for downloading, deposits, FAQ and other important information.
The eAccounts mobile application is available in four versions as follows:
- iOS version compatible with iPhone and iPod Touch running iOS5 or greater. It is available for free download from the Apple App Store.
- Android version is compatible with Android OS version 2.3.3 or greater. It is available for free download at the Google Play store.
- iOS Mobile Central embedded version is available as part of a campus Mobile Central application.
- Android Mobile Center embedded version is available as part of a campus Mobile Central application.
Transact eAccounts is managed by ID Card Operations / Support. Tickets regarding eAccounts should be routed to TREAS_PICO_SUPPORT.
For more information about Transact: Transact Campus
See also
How do I add funds to my BoilerExpress account?
How do I sign up for a BoilerExpress account?
What is Transact?
What is Transact Mobile Ordering ?
What is Transact Mobile Credentials?
What is the QuadPoint Point of Sale System (CloudPOS)?
What is Transact Online Photo Submission?
Entered on 08/27/2021 at 7:32:35 AM EDT (GMT-0400)
TransactCampus E-Accounts is a third party add-on to the Transact system (formerly Blackboard Transact). E-Accounts primary function is adding funds to either the BoilerExpress account on the West Lafayette campus or to Don Dollars on the Purdue Fort Wayne Campus.
Additionally, E-Accounts is used to check balances on board plans, Dining Dollars, and Boiler Express stored value account. Purdue Fort Wayne also uses E-accounts to upload student photos in to the Transact system.
E-accounts is configured to work best using Google Chrome.
What is Transact Online Photo Submission?
Online photo submission is a fully integrated feature of Transact eAccounts. The solution permits students and others to upload a photo from any web browser to be used for their official Purdue ID. Photo submission may be initiated through eAccounts using either the web browser or the eAccount app.
eAccount users require BoilerKey authentication at the West Lafayette Campus, while Fort Wayne users follow a slightly different procedure and those customers should follow instructions given at PFW Campus Credentials and Transportation’s website.
Information on who is eligible to use the Photo Submission site as well as photo requirements can be found at Transact Online Photo Submission is for ID Card Operations / Support website under Submit Photo. This site is not intended for existing customers who need to want to update an existing photo.
Online Photo Submission is a task on the New Student Task List for undergraduate students in their myPurdue online portal. Incoming students are encouraged to follow the dates on the New Student Task List for photo submission.
If a student or customer already has a photo on file, their photo will be declined. All communications about photo submission status are sent to customers via their purdue email address. Some common reasons photos are rejected and important reminders are also located on the ID Card Operations / Support website under Submit Photo.
Transact Online Photo Submission is managed by ID Card Operations / Support.
What is Transact Mobile Ordering?
The Transact Mobile Ordering app provides students and staff a way to order food for pickup from certain dining locations. The Purdue Dining & Culinary locations accept student meal exchange (meal swipes) only at this time. Aramark locations accept credit card, Boiler Express, and Dining Dollars.
To download the app on your mobile device search for ‘Transact Mobile Ordering’ in the Google Play or Apple Store.