Concur Training/Travel Resources
Concur Training
Course: TRVLC 200
Description: This course introduces travelers to the electronic travel and expense system. The content ensures they have the knowledge, skills and abilities to make a travel request, book travel and complete expense reports within Concur.
Audience: Individuals who travel on behalf of the University for business
Registration: Concur Traveler Training
Reference Materials: Traveler Documentation
Course: TRVLC 250
Description: This course is designed for staff who are travel delegates who arrange travel, create and review travel requests and expense reports in Concur Travel and Expense on behalf of the traveler. This course introduces participants to the electronic travel and expense system. The content ensures they have the knowledge, skills and abilities to make book travel segments and create a travel request. The expense report process is reviewed, which includes expense submission, receipt collection and reimbursements.
Audience: Staff who are travel delegates and act on behalf of the traveler to book travel, create travel requests and submit travel expenses
Registration: Concur Business Office and Support Staff Training
Reference Materials: Travel Delegate Documentation
Quick Reference Guides and Other Resources
To view the following Concur Travel and Expense quick reference guides and resources, please use the Firefox internet browser:- Concur Icons (PDF)
- Traveler Profile in Concur Travel and Expense QRG (Docx)
- Booking Travel in Concur QRG (Docx)
- Booking Travel in Concur Cheat Sheet (Docx)
- Creating an Expense Report QRG (Docx)
- Preparing a Travel Expense Report Cheat Sheet (Docx)
- Review and Submit Expense Report Prepared by Purdue Travel or Delegate (Docx)
- Create and Submit Travel Request for Trip Booked Outside of Concur QRG (Docx)
- SAP Concur Mobile App QRG (Docx)
- Booking Daily Vehicle Rental with Enterprise (Docx)
- Booking One-Way Vehicle Rental with National (Docx)
Contact Us
Please complete the Procurement Services Training Request Form for questions regarding training. For contact information related to travel, please the visit the Contact Us webpage.