Privately Owned, Leased or Chartered Aircraft

The traveler must follow the University cost comparison guidelines when selecting any of the below options:

  • If using Privately Owned aircraft, the current per mile amount is based on GSA Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) Mileage Reimbursement rates. The reimbursable amount is for one individual only.
  • The actual lease cost for aircraft leased from a commercial leasing company or Purdue Aero Club is reimbursable up to the round trip commercial coach airfare rate for the same trip for the same number of official passengers.
  • Chartered aircraft expenses are reimbursable up to the lowest available round trip commercial coach airfare for the same dates and destination of travel.
  • Expenses subject to documentation requirements.
  • This travel is also subject to the University’s Office of Risk Management’s posted Operating Procedures for the Use of Aircraft on University Business.