Business Travel with Personal Time Included
If travel includes personal expenses, or part of the travel dates include personal time or destinations, travelers must exercise special care not to seek reimbursement for expenses that are or could be construed as personal.
- University funds cannot be used to pay for or reimburse personal expenses.
- When a traveler combines personal and business travel, regardless of the type of transportation used and lodging, the amount reimbursed will be limited to the costs directly related to the point(s) of business.
- Lodging
- Any additional days lodging beyond the business dates is considered personal and is not reimbursable.
- If a family member or other non-business related person stays in the room with the traveler, any additional charges incurred should be deducted (marked as personal).
- Fixed Meal Allowance
- Fixed meal allowance is paid to staff while traveling on official business. It is not paid for personal days.
- Any personal days listed on the expense report must be excluded.
- Transportation
- Parking expense at the airport and hotels must be reduced for personal day expenses.
- Taxi and shuttle expenses during personal days are not reimbursable.
Expenses subject to documentation requirements.
- Regulations
- Updates coming July 1, 2024
- ADA Accommodations
- Airfare
- Bowl Travel
- Business Leaves Extending 22 Days
- Business Travel with Personal Time Included
- Cash Advances
- Compliance
- Cost Comparison Requirements
- Documentation
- Drive vs. Fly
- Employee and Approving Manager Responsibility
- General Information
- Ground Transportation and Parking
- Insurance
- International Travel
- Lodging
- Meals
- Mileage and Personal Car Usage
- Missing/Lost Receipts
- Moving Allowances
- No-Cost Travel
- Other Allowable Expenses
- Privately Owned, Leased or Chartered Aircraft
- Reimbursement
- Registrations and Memberships
- Remote Work Reimbursement
- Rental Car
- Travel on Sponsored Program Funds (Fund – 46010000)
- University Vehicle