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These resources were curated by the Substance Use Mitigation Team and are intended to help Purdue faculty and staff's interactions with students. We hope you find the information helpful when prmoting well-being in your classrooms and conversations. In need of a resource not listed below? Tell us more about what would help you promote harmful substance use reduction by filling out this form.

Student Discussion Resources

Regardless of the topic of conversation, there are some tools you can use to best show a student support. Watch the video below for some conversational tips. Then read some of the tips below. 

Click to watch a video on conversational tips.

When supporting a student, try to use as many of these tips:

  • Put away distractions and give your student your full attention
  • Be honest about your own limitations
    • E.g. "I want to hear you out, but please know I only have 5 minutes before my next meeting. I am happy to schedule a follow up meeting during office hours, if there is more you want to share?"
  • Don't approach the speaker as a person to "fixed" but rather enter with curiosity
  • Don't interrupt
  • Summarize what you've heard using your own words

Talking Tips for:


Sleep plays a vital role in both mental and physical health. Share the sleep tips below with students to help them understand the importance of good sleep habits:

Click to see sleep tips!

Traumatic Events

Sometimes a student may approach you after a big life event. You can use the tips from the office of the Dean of Students when supporting such a student. 

Click for tips on how to help students manage traumatic events from the Office of the Dean of Students.


Use this infographic for basic talking points when discussing stress with a student. Remember that you do not have to be the expert, just someone willing to listen and refer when needed.

This self-care guide can lead students through reflections on stress management and lead to conversation topics.

Encourage students to use the self-help resources provided by CAPS.

If you want more talking points (and tips for improving your own relationship to stress!) check out the below video. 

Alcohol and Substance Use

Talking to a student about substance use can seem daunting. Luckily, CAPS has great guidance for having successful conversations.

The below table highlights some helpful language to use when having supporting conversations about substance use disorders. 

Phrases to Avoid when Discussing Substance Use
Negative Connotations

Instead, Consider Using

"Druggie, addict, user, junkie, abuser" "Person with substance use disorder"
"Drug habit" "Disease"
"Ex-addict"  "Person living in recovery"
"Drug offender" "Person arrested for a drug violation"
"Hooked" "Substance dependent"
"Medication is a crutch" "Medication is a treatment tool"
"Relapsed" "Had a set back"
"Stayed clean/clean" "Maintained recovery"
"Dirty drug screen" "Positive drug screen"

For your own well-being when having these conversations, remember:

  • Don't feel as if it is solely your responsibility to help. If you think the student could benefit from other campus resources, fill out this student of concern report. By filling out the report, the Dean of Students Office will connect the student to campus resources. 
Vaping and E-cigarettes
To understand the vaping safety, it is crucial to also understand the different vaping methods and products. You can click these talking points to share with students what is inside a vape. Click to see how the cost of vaping can be a compelling incentive to consider quitting. Students can also come to the Wellness Suite in RecWell to discuss options further.

Classroom Resources

Welcome/Announcement Slides

Click to use this slide deck for class announcements to promote well-being services and healthy social norms.

Wellness Presentations

Request a Purdue RecWell well-being presentation for your class. RecWell staff will present over a topic of your choice. Potential topics include stress, finances, nutrition, sleep, and much more. Click here to get started

Perspective Project

With the launch of the Steps to Leaps Perspective Project in Fall 2023, Purdue instructors (tenure-track, clinical, lecturers) have the opportunity to receive resources and support to more actively integrate the S2L pillars into two of their courses. Integrating well-being content and reflection into your courses can positively contribute to the overall campus climate.

Click to learn more about the Perspective Project and how to apply

Purdue Campus Essentials Podcast

Listen and explore essential topics that help you stay informed about mental health and substance use on Purdue's West Lafayette campus. Get tips on supporting Boilermakers and become more familiar with campus services. 

Wellness Newsletters

Steps To Leaps Well-being Tips

Steps to Leaps offers many well-being tips for personal use and for sharing with others. You can subscribe to the Steps to Leaps newsletter to stay updated on well-being intiatives and reserach opportunities.


Currently Available Courses

Recovery Ally Training
For students in recovery from substance use, college can be a trying and triggering time. Complete the Recovery Ally training to learn how to support students in recovery and how to reduce stigma on campus. To request a training, please use the Wellness on Demand request form and choose "Trainings" when selecting a wellness topic.  
Mental Health First Aid Training
Mental Health First Aid is a program designed to help community members identify, understand and respond to mental illness while also increasing awareness of available resources. For more information on this training, click to visit the CAPS website 
QPR Suicide Prevention Training
This ninety minute training helps Purdue community members learn to recognize the warning signs for suicide and assist those in need. To learn more about this training, click to visit the CAPS website.