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The Substance Use Mitigation Team is an inter-departmental group of faculty and staff who work to address substance use and mental health concerns on campus. We are happy to offer the below presentations as a resource to guide you in these topics. If you have a substance use or mental health topic you would want to learn more about, submit your idea here. You may see your topic in upcoming lunch and learn series.
If you have interest in joining the our team, please email Will Evans, Senior Assistant Director, Wellness Programs.
The Campus Environment - Through the Eyes of the Purdue Police and Fire Departments
Description: John Cox (Chief, Purdue Police) and Kevin Ply (Chief, Purdue Fire) reflect on the continuing impact of COVID-19 on the campus climate including substance use and issues related to mental health. Please be sure to join us for this final session of the year.
Presenter: John Cox, Chief, Purdue Police Department and Kevin Ply, Chief, Purdue Fire Department
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The Growing Populiaty of Delta-8 THC
Description: The popularity of another cannabinoid, delta-8 THC is on the rise. Delta-8 THC is a psychoactive substance that has not been approved by the FDA for safe use in any context. Learn more about this substance from one of our returning speakers.
Presenter: Amy Peak, PharmD, Director, Health Science and Healthcare & Business Programs, and Chair, Health Science Department, Butler University
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Impact of Mental Health on Learning
Description: Learning can be hindered by students' mental health. Given the increased reports of mental health concerns among college students, how can we best provide support to help our students learn and succeed? Join us as we hear from an expert on the topic.
Presenter: Richard Hooker, PhD, Professor of Graduate and Addictions Counseling, Indiana Wesleyan University, Marion, IN
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Alcohol and Prescription Drug Abuse on Campus - Insights from Students
Description: Purdue students share their perceptions on the alcohol and other drug culture on campus and how our campus can best support students. This annual session always attracts a crowd.
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Continuing Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health and Substance Use on Campus
Description:Welcome Purdue’s new Director of Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) and gain insights into strategies that CAPS has implemented to continue to support students during a global pandemic.
Presenter: Chris Hanes, Director, Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), Purdue
Video referenced in presention: click here to view.
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Mental Health on Campus: An Update from Purdue’s Counseling & Psychological Services
Presenter: Kyle Kittleson, PsyD, HSPP, Interim Director, Counseling and Psychological Services, Purdue
Description: Gain insights into strategies Purdue’s Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) has implemented to support students during a global pandemic.
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Best Practices for Supporting Students Through Virtual Interactions
Presenter: Risha Ruano-Zin, LMHCA, NCC, Wellspring Counseling Center of Greater Lafayette
Description: Clues about a person’s mental health can be observed through physical expressions. With 70% of communication happening non-verbally, how do we adjust to picking up on these clues in a virtual world? Join us as we learn how to best support students (and each other) in our virtual interactions.
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The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
Presenter: Dr. Christine Chapleau, Clinical Psychologist
Description: It is estimated that 88% of young adults in America use social media. However, is social media good for one’s mental health? Join us as we learn from an expert on the topic.
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The Color of Drinking: Alcohol as a Social Justice Issue
Presenter: Reonda Washington, Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist, Univeristy of Wisconsin-Madison
Description: Gain an understanding of how alcohol can impact racial climate issues, discuss how alcohol is a social justice issue, and learn about a mixed methods approach for evaluating the experiences of students of color.
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Alcohol and Prescription Drug Abuse on Campus Insights from Students
Description: Purdue students share their insights on the alcohol and other drug culture on campus and how our campus can best support students.
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The Campus Environment Through the Eyes of the Purdue Police and Fire Departments
Presenters: John Cox, Purdue Police Chief; Kevin Ply, Purdue Fire Chief
Description: John Cox (Chief, Purdue Police) and Kevin Ply (Chief, Purdue Fire) reflect on the impact of COVID-19 on the campus climate including substance abuse and mental health related issues. Insights as to how this information shapes the near future will also be discussed.
Please click here to submit feedback for this session.
The Lunch and Learn Series is made possible through the work of the College of Pharmacy, Recreation and Wellness, the Office of the Dean of Students, and the Campus Coalition on Mental Health and Substance Use. Funding provided by the Drug-Free Coalition of Tippecanoe County.