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Become an Official!

The Intramural Sports Officiating Program employs over 200 sports officials every year. We are looking for individuals that are responsible, passionate about sports, and willing to learn. No previous experience is required and we are flexible with employees' schedules.

Can't make a call-out meeting or have questions?  Contact us at for more information!

Callout Meetings and Frequently Asked Questions

Upcoming Callout Meetings

Call Out Meetings are held in the Howard Taylor Conference Room at the CoRec. Drop in to learn more information and ask questions about the position!

  • Basketball
    • Monday, December 2nd at 6 p.m. in Howard Taylor Conference Room at the CoRec!
    • Tuesday, January 14th at 6 p.m. in Howard Taylor Conference Room at the CoRec!

Prospective officials only need to come to ONE of the callout meetings. Official hiring decisions are made after all trainings are completed.

Important: Prior to training you will need to present the ORIGINAL VERSION (no photos or copies) of:

  • your birth certificate and photo ID
  • OR your Social Security Card and photo ID
  • OR your U.S. passport.
  • OR your foreign passport and form I-94.
Consider acquiring these documents quickly if they need to be mailed to your current residence at Purdue. More information about hiring paperwork can be found here.
Frequently Asked Questions
  • Am I still allowed to play Intramural Sports if I am an official?
    • Yes! We encourage all our staff to play so they can learn the rules as best they can!
  • Am I required to work a certain number of hours?
    • We do not have a mandatory number of hours, but we ask that officials work at least 2 shifts per week to help cover all shifts. That's about 8-12 hours per week, all in the evening.
  • What is a typical shift like?
    • Shifts usually run from 5:30pm-9:00pm or 8:45pm-12:00am. It is extremely rare that someone works more than 3-4 hours per shift.
    • Officials are in charge of the set-up and tear-down of all game equipment, as well as ensuring the safe and fair play of each contest that is played on their field.
  • Can international students be IM Officials?
    • Absolutely! International students are limited to 20 hours maximum per week across all jobs a student holds at Purdue.
  • What is training like?
    • Each sport's training is a little different but typically takes place over a few evenings and includes classroom sessions, on-field/court instruction, and end with practice games.
  • If I have prior experience, can I skip training?
    • No, we train all officials from the ground up, meaning everyone must be present for as much of training as possible so they do not miss important content.
  • What if I'm not available for all of training?
    • We work hard to ensure all officials are game-ready by the end of the training sessions. Final hiring decisions will be made based on practice game performance to determine readiness of prospective officials. If someone falls behind, they may risk not being included in final hiring.