This questionnaire will be used to open discussion to address common issues, and compliance issues when engaging internationally. This should be completed at the earliest convenience (at a minimum prior to funding or beginning operations) so that appropriate upfront planning and research can occur. Without adequate notification to allow for research and planning, project approval may be denied. Once submitted, the Senior Global Compliance Officer will reach out to you to determine next steps.
Please send an email to with all of the information below:
- Project name:
- PI or Project Leader’s name and contact info:
- Other project individuals who should be included in discussions:
- Department and College or Major Area:
- Foreign countries you expect to conduct activities in:
- Anticipated start and end date of the project:
- In country partners (companies or individuals) if applicable:
- Have the company and its board/in country representatives been screened through the Restricted Parties Screening process?
- Will Purdue be a subcontract or have any subcontracts?
- Brief Overview of Project or Activity: Provide a high level explanation of your activities
- Funding: Provide the funding source for the project (i.e. federal funds, private, departmental, etc.)
- Identifying Possible Permanent Establishment/Presence Triggers: if yes, please explain
Certain activities in foreign countries can trigger permanent establishment (or a presence) or tax obligations for Purdue in that country. These items can significantly increase the costs associated with the project. The items below typically create a presence or tax obligations for Purdue. If the answer to any of the following is ‘yes,’ possible compliant options will be part of the discussion the Senior Global Compliance Office arranges for the project.
- Is travel for any Purdue individual to the foreign country expected exceed 180 cumulative days across 1 or 2 years?
- Are you interested in hiring any local nationals directly by Purdue for in-country work? Individuals employed by subs or primes need not be included.
- Is it anticipated that Purdue would need to enter into any foreign rental or lease agreements (i.e. office space)?
- Is Purdue in need of a bank account in country?
- Will Equipment need to be purchased in country (i.e. larger than misc. supplies)? Or are items being purchased that will be assembled into something in country (i.e. to create a ramp or a building)?