Business Management Resources

A variety of resource, reference and best practice documents that business management staff across campus may find useful. Do you have ideas for resources that can be placed here? Please submit ideas to Kelly Cunningham through the link below.

Boilermaker - smaller file

Business Management Training Core

The training core is in development and is intended to serve as a starting point for new business management staff. Once approved the spreadsheet will be posted here.

Departmental Projections

These resources are under development. This is a “placeholder.” As tools are developed a resource page will be developed.

Purdue Band on Field at football game

Fiscal Approvers

Do you need to find the fiscal approver for a unit? The SAP Financial T-code ZFI_WF_APPROVERS will generate a list of individuals, by unit, with fiscal authority. Individuals who used the Detailed Business Management Directory to identify fiscal approvers may find this tool helpful. The reference guide below will walk you through the process. If you don’t have access to this t-code, please contact your supervisor for assistance.

Fiscal Approvers