Open Negotiation From IP Search Results
1. Open the Institute Proposal module by clicking Maintain>Proposals –or- clicking the icon. The Select Proposal screen will appear.
2. Complete a standard search for the targeted IP record.
3. Select the record result and then go to: Edit Negotiation –or- click on the Negotiation icon.
4. If a corresponding Negotiation record exists it will directly open in Display, closing will return User back to previous Institute Proposal Search Results.
Open Negotiation From Open IP Record
1. Selected Institute Proposal record must be open in either edit or display.
2. Go to Details > Negotiation
3. If a corresponding Negotiation record exists it will directly open in Display, closing will return User back to previous Institute Proposal record.
- Coeus Premium - Display Only
- Credit Split Window
- Institute Proposal Display
- Negotiations
- Proposal Development
- Document Type Matrix
- Investigator Tab
- Mailing Info Tab
- Medusa
- Opening Budgets
- Other Tab
- Proposal Narratives: Uploaded Documents
- Proposal Tab
- Special Review Tab
- IP Proposal Tab
- IP Investigator Tab
- IP Others Tab
- Institute Proposal Attachments
- IP Information
- IP Cost Sharing
- Search/Display from IP
- Search/Display from Negotiation
- Negotiation Record Attributes
- Negotiation Record Activities
- Printing Negotiation Activities