Prior Approval

Federal Sponsors expect the grantee institution to anticipate the full extent of its financial requirements when applying for a grant. The applicant should be prepared to justify both benefit to the project and calculation of all costs requested. Approval of a grant budget by the sponsor constitutes prior approval for the expenditure of funds for the specific item included in that budget.

Certain Federal sponsors permit grantee institutions to rebudget between budget categories of the project to meet certain unanticipated requirements in research, training, and program projects, provided that the expenditures are necessary to the successful continuation or completion of the project, that the grant funds are expended in conformity with sponsor policies and the Federal Regulations governing the respective grant with the guidelines set forth below. Such departures must enhance and not impede progress of the project toward its stated objective and be in conformance with the rebudgeting guidelines of this policy statement and the policies and procedures of the grantee institution. They may further be conditioned by restriction imposed by the sponsor as a condition for the individual award.

Definition of Prior Approval:
For purposes of these guidelines "prior approval" is defined as the written permission by an authorized official in advance of an act that would result in the obligation or expenditure of grant funds for certain purposes not included in the approved budget as shown on the award document.

All prior approval requests must be sent to SPS Research Administrators at least 30 days prior to the requested action.

Instructions for Completing Purdue Prior Approval Template - Internal

Prior Approval Template – Internal Request

Instructions for Completing Purdue Prior Approval Template External

Prior Approval Template – External Request

Prior Approval Matrix

Applicable to grants on or after 12/26/2014

Applicable to grants prior to 12/26/2014

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

2014 Purdue University | An equal access/equal opportunity university | Copyright Complaints | Maintained by Sponsored Program Services

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