Non-Disclosure Agreements


When it is necessary for Purdue personnel and an outside organization to share information that is confidential, often a nondisclosure agreement (NDA) is required. These are institutional agreements and need to be executed through the appropriate University office.


What office do I contact?

Sponsored Program Services (SPS) Contracting - For NDAs related to current or potential research

Office of Industry Partners (OIP), Purdue Research Foundation -Purdue has strategic relationships with several industry partners. These relationships are managed by the Office of Industry Partnerships, (OIP), Purdue Research Foundation and often have master non-disclosure agreements for the sharing of confidential information. To see the list of industry strategic partners, please visit the OIP Strategic Partners website (link behind career account login).

Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC), Purdue Research Foundation – For NDAs related solely to the exploration of licensing opportunities for existing intellectual property

Procurement – For NDAs related to procurement activities

EVPRP Export Control/Information Assurance Office – For safeguarding best practices for confidential information, please visit the EVPRP Export Control/Information Assurance website.


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