Got Nature? Blog

Posted on January 19th, 2016 in Forestry, Wildlife | No Comments »
Managing Woodlands for Birds

Managing Woodlands for Birds

Learn how forests are used by birds and how best practices in forest management can increase their numbers in these newly released videos on birds and their relationship with woodlands.

In the first video, “Managing Woodlands for Birds,” J. Barny Dunning, professor of wildlife ecology, discusses how forests are used by birds year round, important habitat features of woodlands that can benefit birds, and how woodland owners can enhance their property for birds. In the second video, “Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment – Forest Birds,” Professor Dunning and graduate student Patrick Ruhl cover how disturbance and forest management impact birds. Management recommendations for both videos were developed in part from the Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment, a long-term, large-scale experimental study of forest management and its impacts on plants and animals.

Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment - Forest Birds

Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment – Forest Birds

Check out “Managing Woodlands for Birds” and “Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment – Forest Birds” to learn more about how birds use forests and how we can impact them in a positive way. To learn more about the Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment, please visit the HEE website.

Managing Woodlands for Birds – The Education Store, Purdue Extension Resource Center
Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment – Forest Birds – The Education Store
Breeding Birds and Forest Management: the Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment and the Central Hardwoods Region – The Education Store
The Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment: Indiana Forestry and Wildlife – The Education Store

J. Barny Dunning, Professor of Wildlife Ecology
Purdue University Department of Forestry and Natural Resources

Got Nature?
