We all want clean water but sometimes it is hard to know how one individual or family can make a difference. People who have a home with a yard have the opportunity to make decisions that can protect and improve water quality.
Rain that falls on your yard does not necessarily stay in your yard. Some water is infiltrated into the ground, some is drawn up through plants and into the air, and some can run off and flow into a roadside ditch or storm sewer, where it continues to flow to a lake or river. This runoff can pick up soil particles, motor oil, lawn chemicals, or other pollutants on your property and carry them downstream, where they can cause water quality problems.
Anyone who has a home with a yard can help protect and improve water quality. This publication offers practical advice about reducing impervious surfaces, select proper landscape plants, effective management of lawns, installing rain barrels and rain gardens, and proper care of septic systems.
To receive the free download visit the Purdue Extension’s resource center: The Education Store – Homeowner Conservation Practices to Protect Water Quality.
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Kara Salazar, Assistant Program Leader and Extension Specialist for Sustainable Communities
Purdue Department of Forestry and Natural Resources
Nick Burgmeier, Research Biologist and Wildlife Extension Specialist
Purdue Department of Forestry and Natural Resources
Laura Esman, Water Quality Program Coordinator
Purdue Department of Forestry and Natural Resources