Got Nature? Blog

Purdue Tree Doctor AppThe emerald ash borer is one of the most destructive insects in the Midwest, killing tens of millions of ash trees. After first being spotted in Indiana in 2004, it has already spread to 95 percent of the state. It is possible to fight off these insects with ash tree pesticides; however, in many cases, it can be too late. Trees missing over half of their canopy are unlikely to be able to carry the pesticide through their trunk to kill the borers. In order for the pesticide to be effective, landowners need to be able to identify signs of an emerald ash borer invasion.

In an effort to arm the community with knowledge and effectively deal with these pests, Purdue entomology professor Cliff Sadof and his colleagues have developed the Purdue Tree Doctor App. This $2 application for iPhones and Android phones can save landowners from losing their livelihood to the emerald ash borers by helping them identify and diagnose early signs of infestation and guide them to treatment solutions before it is too late.

To supplement this app, Sadof has also created a web-based emerald ash borer cost calculator to help communities make educated decisions on tree removal, replacement and treatment by projecting costs over 25 years. With the Purdue Tree Doctor app and the EAB cost calculator, the community can more effectively take action and save their ash trees before it’s too late.

Purdue Tree Doctor App
iTunes / Google Play Store

Emerald Ash Borer Cost Calculator 2.1, Purdue Extension
Emerald Ash Borer in Indiana, Purdue Extension
Insecticide Options for Protecting Ash Trees from Emerald Ash Borer, Purdue Extension
Arrest That Pest! – Emerald Ash Borer in Indiana, Got Nature?
Emerald Ash Borer, Indiana Department of Natural Resources
Invasive Insects, Got Nature?

Cliff Sadof, Professor
Department of Entomology, Purdue University

Got Nature?
