Got Nature? Blog

Posted on February 24th, 2016 in How To, Wildlife | No Comments »

RaccoonIt’s likely you have had some type of run-in with wildlife—no matter where you live. Regardless of the situation, you have essentially three choices when you deal with a wildlife problem. You can ignore the problem and hope it goes away (not the best choice!), fix the problem yourself, or hire someone to fix the problem for you.

Even if you want to fix things yourself, you may find that the situation warrants professional assistance. Or, you may simply want to hire someone because you don’t have time to deal with the problem, you aren’t sure what is causing the problem, or you are unable or unwilling to do the job yourself. The question then becomes, “Who can help?”

Wildlife Extension Specialist Brian MacGowan‘s new publication “Selecting a Nuisance Wildlife Control Professional” provides information about nuisance wildlife control professionals, things to consider when deciding whether or not you need to hire a professional, and tips on how to find a professional who is right for you.

Selecting a Nuisance Wildlife Control Professional – The Education Store, Purdue Extension Resource Center
Preventing Wildlife Damage – Do You Need a Permit? – The Education Store
The Basics of Managing Wildlife on Agricultural Lands – The Education Store
Nuisance Wildlife – Indiana Department of Natural Resources
Dealing with nuisance geese this spring – Got Nature?

Brian MacGowan, Wildlife Extension Specialist
Purdue University Department of Forestry and Natural Resources


Got Nature?
