The Natural Resources University podcast group received the gold award in the podcast or radio category from the Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals (ANREP). The NRU podcast group includes the Habitat University podcast co-hosted by Purdue Extension wildlife specialist Jarred Brooke and Adam Janke, an extension wildlife specialist at Iowa State University.
“Receiving the ANREP Gold Award is an honor,” Brooke said. “What started as casual conversations amongst colleagues about creating science-based natural resources podcasts has blossomed into a podcast network with multiple unique podcasts and over 100 episodes. This collaboration has been a great avenue to get up-to-date science about natural resource management into landowners and managers’ hands (and ears).”
The NRU podcast group initially began with four science-based podcasts covering different aspects of natural resource management: Deer University, Pond University, Fire University and Habitat University.
Deer University, which is hosted by Dr. Bronson Strickland and Steve Demarais, focuses on the science of deer, including deer ecology, biology and management.
Pond University, which was co-hosted by FNR’s Mitch Zischke and Megan Gunn before ending its 11-episode run in August 2021, covered topics from pond habitat to fish stocking, vegetation control and pond construction.
Fire University, which is hosted by Dr. Marcus Lashley, covers the gamut of the latest research in fire ecology and how it relates to management of wildlife and plant communities.
Habitat University, hosted by Brooke and Janke, discusses the science behind wildlife habitat management and how landowners and manages can use different habitat management practices to improve their land for wildlife.
New to the NRU family in 2022-2023 are:
The series housed within the NRU network aim to deliver expert-based knowledge for their corresponding genre of natural resource management. The network is a partnership between the extension services at several land-grant university, including Mississippi State Extension Service, University of Florida Extension, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach and Purdue Extension. Funding for the project comes from the Renewable Resources Extension Act.
The Natural Resources University podcasts are available through the individual podcast websites, through the NRU podcast main hub or wherever podcasts are available to download.
For full article and more photos view Purdue Forestry and Natural Resources News & Stories: Natural Resources University Podcasts Earn ANREP Gold Award .
More Resources:
Ask an Expert: Pond Management, Purdue Extension-Forestry & Natural Resources (FNR) YouTube playlist
Pond Management: Managing Fish Populations, The Education Store, Purdue Extension’s resource center
Yellow Perch Farmed Fish Fact Sheet, The Education Store
Frogs and Toads of Indiana, The Education Store
Snakes and Lizards of Indiana, The Education Store
Forest Improvement Handbook, The Education Store
Frost Seeding Native Grasses and Forbs with a Drone (UAV), Purdue Extension-FNR
Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment – Wildlife Responses to Timber Harvesting, The Education Store
Invasive Plants: Impact on Environment and People, The Education Store
Sustainable Communities, Purdue Extension
Ask the Expert: Turtles and Snakes video, Got Nature? post
ID That Tree, Purdue Extension-FNR YouTube playlist
Woodland Management Moment , Purdue Extension-FNR YouTube playlist
Wendy Mayer, FNR Communications Coordinator
Purdue University Department of Forestry and Natural Resources
Jarred Brooke, Wildlife Extension Specialist
Purdue Forestry and Natural Resources