Got Nature? Blog

Pickerel frog on ground by leaf.Wild Bulletin, Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Fish and Wildlife: Instead of raking and bagging leaves this fall, consider allowing them to stay and naturally decay. Fallen leaves, plant stems, flower heads, twigs, and logs provide crucial winter habitat for Indiana’s wildlife.

The warmth and cover of leaves provide shelter for Eastern box turtles, salamanders and frogs, as well as insulation for butterflies and moths. Leaf piles can even benefit landscaping, as they can suppress weeds, retain moisture, and add nutrients to the soil as they decay. Leaves don’t have to be left exactly where they fall—you can rake them into flower beds and around tree bases.

For more information about creating habitat for wildlife in your backyard, visit the DNR website and the Wildlife Habitat Fact Sheet.

Subscribe to Wild Bulletin.

Frost Seeding to Establish Wildlife Food Plots and Native Grass and Forb Plantings – The Education Store, Purdue Extension’s resource center
Wildlife Habitat Hint: Tips for Evaluating a First Year Native Grass and Forb Plantings, Purdue Extension – FNR YouTube Channel
Drone Seeding Native Grasses and Forbs: Project Overview & Drone Setup, Purdue Extension – FNR YouTube channel
Forest Improvement Handbook, The Education Store
Ordering Seedlings from the State Forest Nursery System, Got Nature? – Purdue Extension-Forestry & Natural Resources (FNR)
Designing Hardwood Tree Plantings for Wildlife – The Education Store
ID That Tree – YouTube Playlist
Forest Management for Reptiles and Amphibians: A Technical Guide for the Midwest, The Education Store
Ask the Expert: Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment – Birds and Salamander Research, Purdue Extension – FNR
A Template for Your Wildlife Habitat Management Plan, The Education Store
Managing Your Woods for White-Tailed Deer, The Education Store
Woodland Stewardship for Landowners, Playlist, Purdue Extension – FNR YouTube channel
Nature of Teaching Unit 1: Animal Diversity and Tracking, The Education Store
Subscribe Purdue Extension – Forestry and Natural Resources YouTube Channel, Playlists include wildlife, Nature of Teaching, Moments in the Wild and much more.

Indiana Department of Natural Resources – Division of Fish & Wildlife

Got Nature?
