Got Nature? Blog

Posted on October 30th, 2023 in Alert, Disease, Forestry, Plants, Wildlife, Woodlands | No Comments »
declining tree

Figure 1: Mature oak tree known to be infected by Inonotus dryadeus on Purdue University West Lafayette campus. Right image shows limb death suggestive of tree decline.

Purdue Landscape Report: Inonotus dryadeus is one of the more common wood decay fungi we receive at the diagnostic lab in association with declining trees, specifically oaks. Inonotus is found so frequently on oaks it has the common name oak bracket fungus, but it can cause root rot of a number of other hardwood trees (including maples, sweet gum, buckeyes, chestnut, and ash) and conifers (fir, pines, spruce, and hemlock – mostly in western US).

Similar to other butt and root rots of trees, Inonotus causes internal decay near the base of the tree. Trees may not show any external symptoms while there is a raging root rot decaying everything holding it up, eventually leading to an unexpected failure of the tree during a windstorm. Trees with compromised root systems may also die suddenly during hot and dry weather. Most often, we see a gradual decline of infected trees with stunted growth, limb dieback, and/or sparse, off-color foliage; symptoms that may accelerate during adverse environmental conditions (Figure 1).

The only good thing about this fungus is that it is somewhat easy to identify. Inonotus produces a round to irregularly-shaped conk like structure each year from colonized host tissue, such as exposed roots, the trunk at the soil-line, or lower trunk (Figure 2). When it is young the conk is yellow to orange on the upper surface and white on the underside. Pores in the upper surface of the conk producing amber colored liquid can also be found earlier in the spring and early summer, lending to its other common name the weeping conk (Figure 3).

growth at base of tree

Figure 2: Extensive growth of Inonotus dryadeus from the base of an oak tree. The tree had significant limb dieback, was at risk of falling over, and subsequently removed.

early growth with amber liquid

Figure 3. Inonotus conks with amber droplets on their upper surface.

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John Bonkowski, Plant Disease Diagnostician
Departments of Botany & Plant Pathology

Got Nature?
