A Purdue Extension program that helps Indiana communities improve public spaces such as parks and town centers is surveying West Lafayette residents to get input on the city parks and recreation department’s next five-year master plan.
Specialists and educators in Extension’s Enhancing the Value of Public Spaces program are administering the survey and collecting and analyzing the feedback. The objective is to create a five-year plan for improving facilities, services and programs.
Citizens can access the survey online at http://tiny.cc/wlparkssurvey. Those who do not have access to a computer but would like to participate can receive a copy of the survey at the Morton Community Center, the Riverside Skating Center, the Lilly Nature Center and the West Lafayette Parks & Recreation Service Center on Kalberer Road. Deadline to complete the survey is March 15.
“The Enhancing program is strongly rooted in the community development principles of good practice,” said Kara Salazar, sustainable communities Extension specialist. “As such, we concentrate on participation, inclusion, capacity building and balancing action planning with long-term sustainability.”
To read more, check out Purdue Agriculture News‘ full article titled “Purdue Extension program’s objective: enhance public spaces.” Further questions about the survey can be directed to Kara Salazar at 765.496.1070 or salazark@purdue.edu.
Purdue Extension program’s objective: enhance public spaces – Purdue Agriculture News
Enhancing the Value of Public Places Home Page – Purdue Extension
Enhancing the Value of Public Places Action Plan – The Education Store, Purdue Extension Resource Center
Sustainable Communities – Purdue Extension
Kara Salazar, Sustainable Communities Extension Specialist
Purdue University Department of Forestry and Natural Resources