Got Nature? Blog

Photo from HEENewsletterThe Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment (HEE) just updated their newsletter for the fall/winter season. The Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment (HEE) was developed to study the effectiveness of different forest management methods in promoting successful oak and hickory regeneration and the effects of these management practices on plant and animal species. With nine partnering universities and agencies conducting research on the ecological and social impacts of long-term forest management, HEE has been an integral part of completed research for over 30 plus M.S. and Ph.D. level graduate students. The project has also employed more than 250 undergraduate and post-graduate students to conduct summer field work.

Newsletter topics include:

Squirrel & Small Mammal Crew

  • Sarah Baker (PhD Candidate, Purdue) and three Wildlife Technicians conducted squirrel point count surveys. Camera trapping for squirrels and small mammals was also conducted.

Cerulean Warbler Crew

  • Julian Grudens (MS Candidate, BSU) and Brit Nahorney (MS Candidate, BSU) worked with two Technicians to conduct aural surveys, nest searching, and mist netting.
    They also collected caterpillar droppings to investigate the dietary preferences of Ceruleans.

Bat Crew

  • Josie Hoppenworth (MS Candidate, UIUC) and Reed Crawford (PhD Candidate, UIUC) worked with two Technicians to conduct mist netting and find and catalogue roost trees.

Additional Work

  • Longhorn beetle trapping was conducted (Purdue).
  • Moth samples were collected (Drake University).

Introducing New HEE Staff
Rae Garrett – Field Coordinator
Rae began as the Field Coordinator in May 2023. Recently she graduated from Purdue University with a BS in Wildlife Biology with a minor in Insect Biology. Since then, she has worked in various temporary positions gaining experience in field work and outreach. She looks forward to assisting HEE Researchers with continuing data collection and working with Kat to reach new goals in outreach.

Kat Shay – Project Coordinator
Kat began as the Project Coordinator in September 2023. She has an MS in Environmental Science and an MPA from Indiana University, where she worked in Dr. Kim Novick’s lab on various phenology, carbon flux, oak leaf-miner, and cicada projects in Morgan Monroe and Yellowwood. She holds a BS in Environmental Science from the University of Alabama, where she worked in the Spatial Ecology Lab. She previously worked for NOAA at the Beaufort Lab in NC, conducting research on carbon flux and storage in salt marshes. Most recently she worked in the San Bernardino National Forest in southern California, managing conservation, recreation, and restoration projects. She has lived in Scotland, Germany, and all over the US and loves reading, traveling, and sports (especially soccer and rugby). She’s excited Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment Fall/Winter 2023 to join the HEE team and continue working in the forests she loves.

To view the full newsletter visit: HEE Newsletter.

If you would like to receive the HEE e-newsletter send your name, email, address and your interests to Kat Shay, forest project coordinator, at

Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment – Wildlife Responses to Timber Harvesting, The Education Store, Purdue Extension’s resource center
The Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment: Indiana Forestry and Wildlife, The Education Store
Breeding Birds and Forest Management: the Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment and the Central Hardwoods Region, The Education Store
The Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment: 2006-2016, The Education Store
Shrubs and Woody Vines of Indiana and the Midwest, The Education Store
Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment Playlist, Subscribe to Purdue Extension – Forestry and Natural Resources (FNR) YouTube Channel
Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment – Prescribed Fire, Purdue Extension – FNR YouTube
A Woodland Management Moment, Playlist, Purdue Extension – FNR YouTube Channel
Investing in Indiana Woodlands, The Education Store
Forest Improvement Handbook, The Education Store
Finding help from a professional forester, Indiana Forestry & Woodland Owners Association

Kat Shay, Forest Project Coordinator
Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment (HEE)
Purdue Forestry & Natural Resources

Got Nature?
