Completing a New Negotiation


Once a new Negotiation record is open, complete the following fields and Save:

bullet Negotiation Details

Proposal No Unique proposal number identifying an Institute Proposal. This is selected upon entering Negotiations and is not an editable field.
Negotiation Status

Indicates at what stage the negotiation is in. Options are:

  • Negotiation - Pending: This status indicate that the record requires attention from a SPS Contract Analyst to review or negotiate the routing agreement.
  • Prior Approval - Pending: This status indicated that the record is processing through SPS Post-Award. Prior Approvals, No Cost Extensions, and awards utilize this status.
  • Not Funded: This record was associated with an Institute Proposal record that has been Not Funded by the Sponsor.
  • Fully Executed: This status indicates that all required signatures have been obtained on the agreement. This does NOT indicate that the record has been awarded though. Please view the Activity Comments to determine if awarded.
  • Void: This status indicates that it has been determined that the record was created in error and has been voided from the system.
Negotiator The Negotiator to whom the contract is assigned. They are selected from a search of all university employees.
Start Date This date is system generated as the date the negotiation is initially created. This is not an editable field.
Doc Folder This field allows for selection/typing of a directory path for storage of related electronic files.
Agreement Type See Agreement Types
Anticipated Award Date Not utilized at Purdue
Location, Location Receipt Date Not utilized at Purdue
PI, Proposal Type, Sponsor, Contract Admin, Lead Unit, and Title These fields are non-editable information fields in negotiations. They are maintained on the proposal record. If a "t-number" is created these fields are maintained on the "t-number" until the negotiation is linked with an actual proposal. Once the negotiation is linked these felds change to the information on the proposal and the information that had been on the "t-number" is no longer active as a negotiation record.

bullet Custom Data

Go to Edit > Custom Data or hit Ctrl+D. The following screen will appear:

Account Manager Click on the magnifying glass and select from a complete list of Purdue persons.
Due Date This is an optional field that may be utilized to record a date that the document is due.
Standard Template This is a Yes or No question. Was this agreement Purdue's Standard Template format? This particularly relates to Industrial Templates.

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

2014 Purdue University | An equal access/equal opportunity university | Copyright Complaints | Maintained by Sponsored Program Services

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