Create a Negotiation

Coeus allows flexibility in setting up a new Negotiation in several different ways:

  • Existing Institute Proposal. The agreement is on a proposal that has already been submitted to the sponsor.
  • Temporary Proposal Log. The agreement preceeds a forthcoming proposal that is still in development or has not been started yet.
  • Permanent Proposal Log. The agreement will never have a corresponding proposal (i.e no budget, narrative etc). Permanent logs must have proposal type "SPS USE-Negotiation Only."

bullet Existing Institute Proposal (Already Submitted to Sponsor)

1. Open the Negotiation module by going to Maintain > Negotiations or clicking the negotiatin icon.

2. The search screen will open first. Close this.

3. Go to Edit > Add Negotiation or click the new icon.

4. You will see a blank negotiation window open, but a search box will come up on top of it. The “Proposal Search” screen Screen appears because you want to find the proposal for which the Negotiation needs to be created. From this screen do your search for the proposal already in Coeus and for which you want to set up the Negotiation. 5. When you find the proposal, select it from the results list and click OK.

6. Several boxes on the new negotiation will populate based on the proposal data. These items cannot be changed here and are for reference only.

7. Complete the blank fields and click "Save."

8. The new Negotiation is now complete and ready for updating with "Activities" as to the current status.

bullet Temporary Proposal Log ("T-number")

1. First, create a new Temporary proposal log. Click here for instructions on doing this. Remember to make a note of the new number before proceeding.

2. Start at step 1 in the "Existing Institute Proposal" section above, using the newly created t-number in step 4.

REMEMEBER: after the Institute Proposal has been created in the proposal office, you should merge your t-number with the actual proposal.

bullet Permanent Proposal Log (Negotiation Only, No Proposal)

1. First, create a new Permanent proposal log. Click here for instructions on doing this. The proposal type must be "SPS USE-Negotiation Only!" Remember to make a note of the new number before proceeding.

2. Start at step 1 in the "Existing Institute Proposal" section above, using the newly created proposal number in step 4.

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