Want to make sure the first week of class goes smoothly?

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Checklist for the First Week

Learning how to build and develop your online or hybrid course can be challenging. We have designed this page to help your first week go smoothly in Brightspace. Below is a checklist with helpful links we have compiled by topic to help ensure your Brightspace course is ready to go the first day of classes. Each hyperlink connects to instructions on the D2L Brightspace Resources webpage

Course Prep: 


Course Activities: 


Final Checks: 

  • Double-check your external links and video links to make sure they still work, especially for copied course content.​ 
  • Confirm that the dates on your syllabus match the dates for your assignments, quizzes, and discussions. Adding dates to those will create the course schedule in Brightspace.​ 
  • Use the demo student to confirm course layout and item availability.​ 

Helpful Hints: 

  • Making the course available a few days before the start of the semester will allow students to read the syllabus and course requirements and address any confusion before the start of the semester.​ 
  • Create a “welcome” announcement and send out an email via Brightspace to let students know when the course is/will be open. ​ 

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