150th Anniversary Professor of Food Science, Food Safety Innovation Lab, Haley F. Oliver PhD, classroom

Certificate Program Topics

Certificate Program

Fall 2024 Inclusive Pedagogy FLC focusing on new UDL guidelines

The Inclusive Pedagogy faculty learning community (FLC) for Fall 2024 will focus on the new principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) 3.0 being introduced this year. UDL is a living, dynamic framework for teaching and learning that helps to meet the needs of all learners and reduce barriers to educational opportunities.

This semester-long FLC is a hybrid program bringing together on-site participants in West Lafayette and Indianapolis, as well as fully remote participants, for synchronous weekly meetings. It is open to faculty and instructors teaching in West Lafayette or Indianapolis. Fellows will discuss ways to integrate the new UDL guidelines into teaching practices and evaluate the effectiveness of these practices. If you are interested in participating in future iterations of this program, please complete this interest form.

Example topics to be discussed include:

  • What does ‘meeting students where they are’ mean to your teaching and classes?
  • What does multiple means of representation, engagement, and expression mean in the context of your classes?
  • What does learner variability mean to your teaching and classes?
  • What are barriers to learning and how might we eliminate them using the UDL framework?
  • How do we measure the effectiveness of new practices or teaching changes and communicate them with others (peers, presentations, and scholarship of teaching and learning/SoTL)?
  • How do we serve or support a student population in two locations (WL and Indy)?

Fellows in the Fall 2024 Inclusive Pedagogy program will work toward the following outcomes:

  1. Build community while describing and discussing the relationship between elements of UDL and their teaching and learning.
  2. Analyze their teaching in relation to the UDL framework.
  3. Incorporate elements from the UDL framework in their teaching context.
  4. (Optional) Participants will generate scholarship (broadly defined) based on the use of UDL in their teaching practices.

Fellows selected for the FLC commit to the following:

  1. Regular attendance and participation at weekly FLC meetings (times will be determined based on availability of participants).
  2. Engagement with reading, reflection, and other related tasks to prepare for weekly FLC discussions.
  3. Develop a plan to incorporate and access takeaways from the FLC into their courses and collaborate on resources for Purdue colleagues.

Questions about the Fall 2024 Inclusive Pedagogy FLC may be directed to Dan Guberman at dguberma@purdue.edu.