Deeper Dive
Once you have a Solid Foundation, you are ready to explore other opportunities as you connect course outcomes to creative, collaborative, and varied assessments to motivate learners toward success. The Framework for Teaching Excellence includes the advanced areas of being an Experimenter and an Explorer. Deeper Dive topics incorporate teaching and learning theories as a foundation to their content. Instructors whose research involves teaching and learning theories may find these topics a professional development opportunity for incorporating into their research.

Teaching Excellence Framework
How do I strengthen (the design/content/delivery of) this course to aid learners in meeting the course outcomes?
- Appropriate for those who wish to engage learners in a variety of learner-centered activities to assess learning outcomes.
- This segment of the Online & Hybrid path may be revisited often, each time offering a deep dive into an additional aspect of hybrid or online learning.
Have you been teaching in the online or hybrid delivery model for a while and are ready to level up specific features of your course?
- Have you already completed each of the items on the Foundational Checklist (located in the Solid Foundations section) for online and hybrid teaching? In that case, it is time to dive a little deeper.
Are you second-guessing yourself? You can always go back to the Foundational checklist, review what you have, and return here when you are done.
Next Steps – Beyond the Foundation
But first, let’s set the stage with a little prior knowledge and reflection. Below are four links with resources to help you learn about encouraging interaction, creating an active online environment, creating a culturally sensitive course, and building information literacy in your class.
Read each of these resources from the Purdue Repository for online Teaching and Learning (PoRTAL) digital repository and identify which pieces are most important to you as you take a deeper dive into online and hybrid course design.
How can I promote a comfortable environment that encourages interaction? (Social Presence) 5–15-minute read
How can I create an active online environment for deep and meaningful learning? (Community of Inquiry) 5–15-minute read
How can I create a culturally sensitive online course? (Cultural Competence) 5–15-minute read
Should I build information literacy into my course? (Information Literacy) 5–15-minute read
Reflect before Diving Deeper
Now that you have thought about course interaction, meaningful learning, cultural sensitivity, and information literacy, what are top concerns that you would like to address in your course?
What content do you have that already works well in these topics?
What resources cited in the resources will you explore to help you make meaningful decisions and changes in your course?
Connections between this Online and Hybrid content area and the Academic Regulations and Inclusive Pedagogy content areas
When you are ready, consider visiting the parallel content areas to deepen your understanding.
Academic Regulations at Purdue
Academic Regulations in your Department
Copyright 101 (Why copyright matters, significant regulations: TEACH Act and Fair Use, Resources for getting help)
Academic Regulations in Support of Accessibility
Diverse Perspectives and Experiences
Applications in Context
Next up? Take a Deeper Dive: Creating Engaging Video