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How do I create a demo student for my course in Brightspace?

PLEASE NOTE:  The demo student is associated with an individual course.  A demo student will need to be created in every individual course where a demo student is desired.  Only one demo student can be created per course.

Create A Demo Student

  1. From the Brightspace course you would like to add a demo student to, click Course Tools from the course navigation bar and select Demo Student from the drop-down.
  2. Click Create Demo Student to add a demo student to the course.
  3. Click Go to Classlist to view the demo student.
    PLEASE NOTE:  If you click 'Remove demo student', all progress made using the demo student will be lost and cannot be retrieved.

  4. The demo student will be listed in the Classlist as ZZStudent, ZZDemo.

Impersonate The Demo Student

The Impersonate function allows you to view the course just as a student would.  You can take quizzes, check open dates, test release conditions, and populate the gradebook.

  1. Click Classlist from the course navigation bar.
  2. Navigate to the Demo Student, click the drop-down to the right of the name, and select Impersonate.
  3. Click Yes in the pop-up that appears. This suspends your current session and logs you in as the demo student. 
    PLEASE NOTE:  Your course appears as it would to your students.  You can perform student functions such as taking quizzes and assignments.
  4. When finished, click the Demo Student’s name near the top-right and click the X to return to your default view.

 Last Updated: 1/8/2022