Course Maintenance & Conclusion

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Grading/Student Feedback

Be sure to be updated grades regularly in Brightspace, so students can track their progress. To learn more about assessment, click here for Creating Inclusive Grading Structures in the Inclusive Pedagogy path. 

Student Centered Learning

Consider your strategies for engaging learners in your course. To learn more, click here for a PDF on Student Centered Teaching

Course Conclusion

The registrar will provide grade submission dates and information. To learn more, click here for the Office of the Registrar website

Submit final grades using the Brightspace grade-submit tool, or manually entering them into Banner here for MyPurdue (BoilerKey two-factor authentication required). 

Course Evaluations 

The course evaluation questions include four (4) demographic questions, two (2) open-ended prompts, eight (8) to ten (10) common questions plus five (5) optional. To learn more, click here for the Course Evaluation webpage.  

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