Got Nature? Blog

Posted on May 5th, 2022 in Wildlife | No Comments »

Bunnies in nest

Wild Bulletin, Indiana Department of Natural Resources: The emergence of spring means young wildlife will begin appearing throughout Indiana, from our state’s forests to your own backyard. If you encounter a young wild animal that appears to have been left alone, keep calm. Adult wild animals rarely abandon their young and will likely return after gathering food for the family.

Check back periodically on the young animal and look for signs that an adult has been attending to them, but don’t hover.

If the animal you find is injured or in distress (bleeding, weak, covered in flies, has broken bones), contact a wildlife rehabilitator instead of trying to care for the animal yourself. Wild animals require different care than domesticated pets. Wildlife rehabilitators are trained and permitted to care for many different wild species. They will be equipped to care for the animal while allowing it to retain its natural fear of humans so it can return to and survive in the wild.

For more contacts and information on when and why to call a rehabilitator, go check out Indian Department of forestry and Natural Resources: Orphaned & Injured animals.

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Help Us Keep Wildlife Safe, Wild Bulletin, IN DNR
Injured Wildlife and What to Do, Got Nature? Blog, Purdue Extension – FNR
Resourceful Animal Relationships, The Education Store, Purdue Extension resource center
No Room at the Inn: Suburban Backyards and Migratory Birds, The Education Store
Wildlife Curriculum, Nature of Teaching, Purdue Extension
Wildlife, Playlist, Purdue Extension – FNR YouTube channel

Indiana Department of Natural Resources

Got Nature?
