Got Nature? Blog

Jarred Brooke teaching about animal prints.Purdue Extension wildlife specialist Jarred Brooke was honored by the College of Agriculture PK-12 Council on Thursday with the Staff Excellence Award for his work with PK-12 audiences to expand their interest in and preparation for careers in natural resource sciences.

The Council’s Outreach and Engagement Awards were established to recognize, reward and celebrate faculty and staff involved in successful outreach and engagement activities and to encourage the improvement and expansion of those activities.

“Winning this award is truly an honor,” Brooke said. “Working with PK-12 youth and youth educators is one of the most rewarding aspects of my job. Each time I see students or teachers have those ‘aha moments’ while connecting with nature it reaffirms that I chose the right career. I would not have been able to win this award if it were not for the help of my many great colleagues at Purdue, other universities, and beyond.

“Connecting youth with nature is so vital because their outdoor experiences now will shape how they view and understand nature as adults, ultimately influencing their willingness to protect and conserve the natural world in the future.”

Brooke, who earned his wildlife degree from Purdue Forestry and Natural Resources in 2012, joined the FNR staff in August 2016. His extension work impacting youth includes conservation field days, writing natural resources-based curricula for The Nature of Teaching signature program, and also planning and overseeing the 4-H and FFA Wildlife Habitat Education Program contest among other things.

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Nature of Teaching, Purdue Agriculture
Natural of Teaching YouTube Channel
Indiana 4-H Youth Development, Purdue Extension
4-H Academy, Purdue Extension
College of Agriculture PK-12 Council Outreach and Engagement Awards, Purdue Agriculture
National Wildlife Habitat Education Program (WHEP), Teaching Youth Valuable Skills

Jarred Brooke, Wildlife Extension Specialist
Purdue Department of Forestry and Natural Resources

Got Nature?
