Got Nature? Blog

Posted on January 29th, 2016 in | Comments Off on How can I get rid of the weeds in my pond?

The shortest answer to this question is: carefully and with proper planning. Weeds in a pond are linked to the total pond environment, taking up nutrients from the pond and surrounding area, creating oxygen and in some cases habitat for aquatic organisms. Any plan to control aquatic weeds should consider the following: weed identification and means of control, be it mechanical, biological or chemical. Lastly, some type of preventative measures should be taken to avoid any future problems.

For a more in-depth guide and resources view:
Aquatic Plant Management [PDF 4.2MB], The Education Store, Purdue Extension’s resource center
Control of Duckweed and Watermeal, The Education Store
Indiana Pond Management, Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IN DNR), Fish & Pond Management
Missouri Pond Handbook, Missouri Department of Conservation
Category 5: Aquatic Pest Management, IN State Chemist
Indiana State Department of Health Lab, IN Department of Health
Water Testing Laboratories, Purdue Extension

Got Nature?
