Got Nature? Blog

Child Planting TreeArbor Day is always the last Friday of April in Indiana and it falls on April 29th this year. Many of us are familiar with the tradition of planting a tree in celebration of this holiday, but have we stopped to count the benefits and reasons why we celebrate planting trees? In honor of Arbor Day, here are 10 reasons to remember why we love and plant trees:

  1. Public health: Research shows that trees planted in the city make people happier! The result is a reduction in stress levels, crime rates, and improves patient recovery time.
  2. Beauty: Trees are a great way to soften the often harsh city environment. A tree with vibrant fall color, interesting branch structure or bark patterns in the winter, flowering in the spring, or providing shade with its lush, green leaves in the summer will always provide a pleasing distraction from the urban environment.
  3. Clean air: Trees are an important source of life-giving oxygen in the air that we breathe. They filter out harmful particulate matter and other pollutants common in the urban or suburban areas that would otherwise make it into our lungs.
  4. Clean water: Trees help filter the water we drink. The leaves of a tree slow rainfall on the ground, preventing soil erosion and pollutants from washing into our water sources.
  5. Energy conservation: Trees shade our houses from the sun and provide insulation and create windbreaks, keeping heating and cooling costs during the extreme temperatures of summer and winter lower.
  6. Property Value: Benefits of trees include lower energy costs and beauty and are recognized and reflected in higher property values where trees are strategically placed.
  7. Wildlife: Trees provide shelter and food for wildlife that we love to watch, such as songbirds and squirrels.
  8. Beloved landmarks: City trees properly cared for will provide years of memories for residents. They can serve as a place to gather and as a source of civic pride, as well as a way to mark the changing of the seasons and progression of time.
  9. Global warming: – Trees are a major factor in carbon sequestration. CO2 is a major contributor to global warming and tress put it to good use rather than causing harm in the atmosphere.
  10. Our children: Every day, many trees are cut down to allow for our continued growth as populations expand. We must work to replace them if we want our children to receive the same benefits from them in the future that we enjoy today.

We have our 10 reasons, now where will we get our 10 trees? For a $10 contribution you can become a member of the National Arbor Day Foundation and receive a gift of 10 trees through the mail. Also with your membership, you will receive discounts on over 100 other varieties of trees and a free guide to planting and care called The Tree Book.

To become a member, you can join online at the Arbor Day Foundation website.

Membership – Arbor Day Foundation
Indiana Arborist Association
Tree Installation: Process and Practices – The Education Store, Purdue Extension Resource Center
Importance of Hardwood Tree Planting – The Education Store
‘Twas The Day Before Arbor Day – Got Nature?

Amy Wetzel, Former Urban Forestry Student
Lindsey Purcell, Urban Forestry Specialist
Purdue University Department of Forestry and Natural Resources

Got Nature?
