When is this new timeline for Pre-Award going into effect?
It went into effect for proposals due on or after March 1, 2017. Knowing that communication timing will be varied, we plan to be a bit relaxed about the first stage in the beginning while we work to educate everyone.

If I have a deadline at the end of the month and have not contacted you yet, am I already out of compliance with the Service Level Agreement?  What should I do in this case?
For this situation you should notify us immediately and we will work with you to get on track to ensure submission goes smoothly.

I missed the 15 day notification deadline, is my proposal now subject to receiving reduced services from Pre-Award?
Not necessarily. The 15 day notification and initial budget request timing has been identified as a recommended best practice in order to ensure the budget and justification are complete by the 5 day deadline.  Notification at 6 days prior to the sponsor deadline is unlikely to meet the 5 day deadline, while notification at 12 days will be acceptable in most cases.

What does a submission without review from Pre-Award mean?
Pre-Award’s standard services include a thorough review of a proposal to identify potential problems or compliance issues which often result in proposals returned from sponsors without receiving a merit review. Our goal through this review is to ensure that the best possible proposal is submitted and that the proposal is accepted for a scientific merit review. Examples of items that can cause a “return without review” include but are not limited to missing documents, mislabeled sections within the project description, incorrect file names, etc. Our goal is to partner with you to submit the best possible proposal, maximize your success and reduce the risk of errors.

I am thinking about submitting a proposal in the near future? If I tell you this, does it count as notification?
Absolutely but submitting a proposal worksheet through the Proposal Information Portal (https://www.purdue.edu/sps/proposalworksheet/) is even better. The earlier the notification the better. We ask that you decide if you are going to submit by the 15 day notification stage so that we can adequately plan for the submission. Additionally, you will need to ensure you leave a reasonable amount of time to finalize the budget by 5 days prior to submission.

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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