Central/Discovery(DP) Park Pre-Award Center

The Central/Discovery Park (DP) Pre-Award Center is dedicated to supporting the proposal development activities for all faculty within the College of Education, College of Liberal Arts, Krannert School of Management, and Purdue Polytechnic Institute. Discovery Park proposal development support is provided for research faculty that are only affiliated with a Discovery Park unit and do not have an academic college appointment.  This center also provides support for proposals from all other West Lafayette campus departments not affiliated with a College and provides review and institutional approval for proposals submitted by each of the Regional Campuses.

To start your proposal please complete the on-line worksheet here

Contact the Center:


2550 Northwestern Ave, Suite 1900
West Lafayette, IN 47906

Pre-Award Center Manager: Amanda Martin, 765-494-6117, marti196@purdue.edu 


Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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