Admitted Checklist
Are you concerned about arriving on campus in time to attend classes? It is possible to defer your admission for up to one year. Please contact your graduate program to discuss your deferral options and possible impacts on your funding. For more information about Admission Deferral Requests, see Accepting Admissions.
1. Activate your Purdue career account and setup your Purdue email account. More information about how to do this is available here.
2. Accept Offer of Admission. Even if you have notified your program whether or not you will be attending Purdue; please follow these directions to complete the Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars (OGSPS) online enrollment form.
3. Research funding opportunities, including financial aid, fellowships, or scholarships, if necessary. Visit the OGSPS Fellowship Office website for more information.
4. Make sure you fulfill the State of Indiana's immunization requirements. Online/hybrid students are exempt from this requirement.
5. Residential students: Ask your program for the date you are expected to arrive and determine how you will arrive to the West Lafayette or Indianapolis area. Visit the relocation and housing Web page for directions and transportation options for West Lafayette.
6. Find Housing. Make sure your utilities will be turned on before you move in.
7. Obtain your Purdue Mobile ID. It just takes a few steps to get your mobile Purdue ID. Purdue students in Indianapolis only: You will also need to create an Indiana University username and passphrase, which will allow you to access the affiliate CrimsonCard. You can create your Indiana University username, passphrase and additional IU Duo account on your mobile device following these instructions.
8. If you received a Graduate Staff or Fellowship Appointment, visit the Graduate Payroll Onboarding website to ensure you are setup to receive your funding.
9. Update your personal information in myPurdue. Visit myPurdue (mypurdue.purdue.edu) and update your emergency contacts, mailing address, and email. More information about myPurdue is available in the Welcome Packet.
10. Sign up for health insurance. You will have the opportunity to sign up for University-sponsored insurance within the first few weeks after your arrival on campus. Benefit eligible Graduate Staff students have the opportunity to sign up for Purdue contributed health insurance within 30 days after the start of their appointment. University regulations state that international students must purchase the University-sponsored plan unless you qualify for a limited waiver. See Waivers for International Students. See the Purdue Graduate Student Insurance page for more information. Online/hybrid students are exempt from this requirement.
11. Register for classes. Each program handles this differently, contact your program for more information. A list of available courses is available online.
12. Get a West Lafayette parking permit, if needed. You need to register for classes before you can get a parking pass. Note: you also must live a certain distance from campus to be eligible for a parking permit.
13. Pay your tuition and fees, if any, by the due date on the bill e-mailed to you. Only electronic bills are sent. To pay online or to print your invoice, go to myPurdue. To view your payment options, click here. If fees are not paid by the due date, you may incur late fees and your registration may be canceled. Please note: Tuition and fee payments from external sources or departments require a minimum of two business days to be processed. If you do not see all anticipated payments in your MyPurdue account five days prior to the due date, please contact your Program Coordinator.
14. Confirm your registration. Log into myPurdue to confirm your registration. Even if you do not owe anything in fees, you must confirm your registration through myPurdue when your account statement arrives by electronic mail. All invoicing is done electronically through myPurdue's eBilling feature.
15. Attend the New Graduate Student Orientation. Each spring and fall semester on the Friday before classes begin, the OGSPS hosts a convocation to welcome new graduate students to Purdue. Be sure to watch your email for more details.