Group of students walking under the Gateway Arch on campus.

International Students

Undergraduates, graduate students, non-funded or funded less than 20 hours/week and fellowship students.

Note: Graduate student staff who are funded 20 or more hours and eligible for Graduate Student Staff Health Insurance will find enrollment information at:

Enrollment in student insurance is a condition of enrollment for international students at Purdue University and is mandatory.

  • Fall Deadline - September 3, 2024 at 5 p.m. ET
  • Spring/Summer Deadline - February 3, 2025 at 5 p.m. ET

Enrollment Website:

If you are a PFCU account holder - use these instructions for payment through your PFCU account.

Policy Coverage Periods:

  • Fall 8/1/24 - 12/31/24
  • Spring and Summer 1/1/25 - 7/31/25
  • Annual - 8/1/24 - 7/31/25
  • Summer - 5/1/25 - 7/31/25 

The Purdue University Student Health Services student insurance office does not provide insurance cost information. The cost of the student insurance plan can be found on the AHP enrollment website:

Ninety (90) days of continuation coverage (post-graduation) is only available if you have been covered under the policy for a minimum of 3 months. Please contact the Student Insurance office for more complete details. Continuation insurance must be purchased within 30 days of termination.

Those international students who have not purchased insurance by the deadline will have a hold placed on their academic record and will incur a $200 late fee. You must Visit the Student Insurance Office in PUSH, Rooms G11 or G13 to enroll after the deadline date.

  • Fall deadline - September 3, 2024 at 5 p.m. ET
  • Spring/Summer deadline - February 3, 2025 at 5 p.m. ET 

Students must enroll their dependents during open enrollment or within 30 days of a qualifying event. Qualifying events are: marriage, divorce, birth, death, dependent entry into US, and involuntary loss of insurance coverage. Please contact the Student Insurance Office if you have questions.