Hail Purdue sign with a view of the Bell Tower through its glass.

Application Process

How to Apply for Practicum:

Interested candidates should submit:

All application forms should be submitted by February 2, 2024. Once an application is received and complete, the applicant will be contacted via email or phone to schedule a Zoom interview with the CAPS training staff. Interviews typically take one hour and will occur in mid-February. An interview is required for placement in the CAPS Practicum.

Send application materials and direct questions to:

Doug Spiker, Ph.D., HSPP
Associate Director of Operations, Training Director
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Purdue University
703 Third Street, Rm 1120
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2081
Tel: (765) 494-6995     Fax: (765) 496-3004

Email: dspiker@purdue.edu