Departing Provider
Dr. Craig Nadelson will be departing from PUSH effective January 22, 2025. Dr. Nadelson has served as both a provider and our Medical Director here at PUSH, and although he will be greatly missed by staff and students alike, we are also excited for him as he begins this new adventure. If Dr. Nadelson has recommended another PUSH provider for your ongoing care, you may wish to schedule an appointment to meet that provider and discuss your healthcare needs. We hope to continue to be your healthcare provider of choice during your remaining time as a student. You may schedule online through the Patient Portal or by calling 765-494-1700.
Open Enrollment December 1–February 3
Open enrollment for the Purdue University student insurance plan begins December 1, 2024 and ends February 3 at 5:00 p.m. EST. Student insurance is mandatory for all international students who do not qualify for a waiver. Failure to purchase the insurance plan or apply to waive the plan prior to February 3 at 5:00 p.m. will result in a $200.00 late fee and an academic hold. More information about waivers and the student insurance policy, including coverage, policy dates and rates can be found by clicking on our international student insurance page.