Student Organizations
Global Science Partners (GSP) is composed of three components: a residential learning community for domestic and international students, an undergraduate mentoring program, and a global dialogues program.
Multicultural Science Programs (MSP) is composed of five components: summer programs, a tutoring program, an undergraduate mentoring program, a student organization and graduate program. These five components work together to form a continuous environment that fosters success for students in the College of Science at Purdue University from freshman year through Ph.D.
Purdue Science Student Council (PSSC) promotes a closer relationship among the students and faculty of the College of Science. We also provide academically oriented services to students.
Science Ambassadors members are a select group of students who represent the College of Science to prospective and current students and faculty, as well as to alumni.
Science Philanthropy Student Board members are a select group of 10-15 College of Science students who serve as representatives of the college for development and alumni relations.
Women in Science Program (WISP) is composed of four components: Graduate Mentoring Program, Residential Program, Tutoring Program, and Undergraduate Mentoring Program. These four components work together to form a continuous environment that fosters success for students in the College of Science at Purdue University from freshman year through Ph.D.
Biological Sciences
Biology Club is a student run organization that was created to allow students of any major to become active in the Purdue community.
Purdue University Neuroscience Society provides an exciting opportunity to learn and discuss the inner workings of the brain. Whether this is learning about new neuroscience related research or increasing awareness about relevant diseases, the Purdue University Neuroscience Society (PUNS) is the place for you!
American Chemical Society Purdue Student Affiliates is just a local chapter of a nationally recognized organization. We are composed of a group of like-minded students who have interests in chemistry and other related fields such as food science and pharmacy.
Alpha Chi Sigma is a co-ed professional fraternity dedicated to the science of chemistry. Membership is for life and extends past the undergraduate level to include graduate students and professional chemists from across the country.
Computer Science
Undergraduate Student Board (USB) strives to be a link between students and faculty. We offer many resources to the undergraduate students within the Computer Science Department including hosting a free Help Room for intro CS courses and maintaining a reputable tutor list.
Graduate Student Association (GSA) provides graduate students with social, academic, and professional opportunities to improve their career at Purdue and afterwards. The elected Computer Science Graduate Student Board serves as the leadership of the association, and acts as a liaison between the students and department/university leadership.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Purdue University Chapter is an international scientific and educational organization dedicated to advancing the art, science, engineering and applications of information technology. With a world-wide membership of 80,000, ACM functions as a locus for computing professionals and students working in the various fields of Information Technology. ACM is the umbrella organization for Special Interest Groups (known as SIGs) who specialize in an area of computer science; the Purdue University Chapter has four SIGs: SIGAI, SIGAPP, SIGBOTS, and SIGGD.
Association of Multicultural Computer Scientists (AMCS) has a mission to create a supportive and inclusive community that provides professional and academic resources to diverse students within the Computer Science Department. The goal of the organization is to help retain diverse students not only in Computer Science but also at Purdue University.
Autonomous Robotics Club (ARC) pioneers the development of cutting-edge autonomous robots, merging innovation and technology to create intelligent machines capable of operating independently in dynamic environments. RISE is our premier event at ARC, where we showcase the latest innovations and breakthroughs in robotics and intelligent systems. It serves as a platform for students to gain valuable insights and engage with cutting-edge technologies in the field. ARC is proud to have a profound impact on hundreds of students, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to shape the future of robotics and automation, contributing to the advancement of technology and society.
Boiler Blockchain is on a mission to build a blockchain community at Purdue University. The club provides students with opportunities to gain hands-on experience with blockchain technology. Through education, skills development, thought leadership, Boiler Blockchain is helping cultivate the next generation of blockchain technology leaders.
BoilerMake is a hackathon that brings over 500 hackers from across the country under one roof for one incredible weekend. Hackers work in teams alongside corporate sponsors to build technical projects, learn new skills, and compete for prizes. As a team, our mission is to empower each and every hacker to build anything that they can imagine.
Capture The Flag (CTF) team (b01lers) is for anyone interested in system security, reverse engineering, cryptography, forensics, and wants to learn new practical skills in these areas. The b01lers club meets once a week to learn about new techniques, to discover new practical skills by solving challenges, and to train for upcoming CTF games.
Competitive Programmers Union (CPU) exists to spur the Purdue community to increase involvement in ACM's International Collegiate Programming Contest (also known as the ICPC) as well as to help students develop skills needed to solve complex algorithm/data structures questions.
Computer Science Women's Network (CSWN) is an organization at Purdue University dedicated to promoting women in the computer science (CS) field. Our goal is to be an academic and social resource to encourage the retention and success of women in computer science. CSWN organizes different activities meant to encourage networking as well as gaining further insight about the different aspects of CS. These activities range from technical talks, panels, puzzle days as well as helping students find academic resources as needed.
Girls Who Code - Purdue College Loop is a nonprofit organization which aims to support and increase the number of women in computer science by equipping young women with the necessary computing skills to pursue 21st century opportunities. The organization works toward closing the gender employment difference in technology, and to change the image of what a programmer looks like. Girls Who Code College Loops are university-level networks for college-aged women interested in tech to support one another and help each other persist and succeed in the field. College Loops build belonging and community through weekly meetings during the school year.
Hack the Future aims to develop software and technology-related projects for nonprofits focused on improving the community. The organization will foster a group of developers and designers passionate about using their technological skills and knowledge to help those around them. Hack the Future also seeks to create a social and friendly atmosphere among its active members and teams.
Launchpad is a community of students dedicated to learning, building, and growing together. We provide a one-on-one, semester-long mentorship program to help freshmen students hit the ground running. We pair each incoming student with a talented upperclassman who will introduce them to the CS/DS community at Purdue and guide them in creating a technical project of their choosing.
ML@Purdue is the central club for AI/ML career growth for Purdue students. ML@Purdue supports careers in industry, research, and entrepreneurial ventures through projects and various events. The club serves to connect Purdue students to AI/ML leaders in and out of Purdue.
Purdue Hackers encompasses a community of students who collaborate, learn, and build creative technical projects. We host events and weekly hack nights on campus where students can socialize, work on projects, share ideas, and learn about cool new technologies. We strive to create a supportive environment for students who want to be at the forefront of innovation at Purdue.
Purdue IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization, dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE publishes nearly one third of technical papers and research all across the realm of electronics. The Purdue IEEE Student Branch actually pre-dates the international IEEE! We were founded as a student chapter of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) in 1903. When the AIEE merged with other organizations in 1963 to create the IEEE, we were reborn as Purdue IEEE.
Purdue Linux Users Group is a Free/Open Source Software enthusiast club that was founded in 1994. Members are interested in not just Linux, but also BSD, Mac OSX, and other software that is Free/Open Source in whole or in part. Our meetings generally consist of social gatherings where we get together and talk tech, presentations by members or outside parties, expositions to the public at large, etc.
Purdue Solar Racing is a student-run organization at Purdue University that designs, builds, and races solar-powered vehicles in national and international competitions. In addition to developing advanced vehicle systems, we participate in a variety of outreach events to educate the local community about the possibilities of sustainable transportation. Our multidisciplinary team consists of a diverse set of students who work in business, operations, and engineering functions.
Space and Earth Analogs Research Chapter (SEARCH) Join the SEARCH at Purdue University, a student organization focused on research and practical activities in human space exploration and space analog environments! Our goal is to enrich student learning by offering hands-on projects and collaborative research opportunities.We are actively involved in NASA's Revolutionary Aerospace Systems Concepts (RASC-Al) competition, where we explore innovative ideas for lunar and Martian habitats. We also provide an interdisciplinary platform for students to engage in the design, testing, and conceptualization of space systems and habitats.
Siam@Purdue looks to bring together students from across disciplines to try and promote stronger interactions between mathematics and other scientific and technological communities. Each semester we sponsor a variety of talks from across the school. We also work to keep members aware of SIAM and other mathematical activities that might of interest.
Upsilon Pi Epsilon, Purdue University Chapter is an honor society which was founded in 1967 to recognize scholarship and professionalism in the Computing Sciences. In the 28 years since then, over 120 institutions of higher education around the world have established UPE chapters. It is the only international honor society in the Computing Sciences. UPE has been officially recognized by both the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) and by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) Computer Society.
Web Dev Club is Purdue’s official web development club whose goal is to teach and promote the latest and upcoming web technologies. The club is also in charge of the CS390WAP course which teaches web development to beginners and experienced programmers alike with a project focused curriculum.
Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
Purdue University Geological Society (PUGS) is a nonprofit student organization dedicated to the expansion and promotion of knowledge and education of the geologic sciences. In addition, the Purdue University Geological Society shall work with Purdue’s Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, as well as other Earth Science departments around the world to help further the development of the Earth Science field of study.
Purdue University Meteorological Association (PUMA) is an organization for all Purdue students who share a love an interest of atmospheric science. We are open to all students regardless of major. Our mission is to unite students as a family through social activities and educational opportunities.
Planetary Science Society at Purdue (PSSP) has a goal of providing a sense of community for students who are interested in planetary sciences. PUPS also provides encouragement and information about the future of planetary sciences. The goal is to increase awareness of and the interdisciplinary nature of planetary sciences.
Storm Chasing Association of Purdue (SCAP) is a club for students who are interested in learning about severe weather and storm chasing. While SCAP does not officially chase as a club, we discuss severe weather events, have live storm tracking watch parties, participate in storm chaser/storm spotter training, and live stream professional storm chasers. We are a club for students who are passionate about severe weather and want to learn more about the methodology and science behind storm chasing.
Graduate Student Association (GSA) focuses on providing the graduate students of the department with professional, social, and outreach opportunities throughout the academic year. EAPS GSA hosts social events like Fall Fest and sporting events. Professional development workshops are held to teach software and communication skills. In terms of outreach, the group collaborates with organizations in West Lafayette and Lafayette, such as Imagination Station and West Lafayette Parks and Recreation. The efforts of EAPS GSA meets monthly to plan events and update graduate students on the ongoings of the EAPS department, the Graduate School, the College of Science, and Purdue University.
Mathematics & Statistics
Association for Women Mathematics (AWM) Purdue Chapter's purpose is to encourage women and girls to study and to have active careers in the mathematical sciences, and to promote equal opportunity and the equal treatment of women and girls in the mathematical sciences. AWM Purdue Chapter organizes events throughout the year directed specifically towards helping female graduate students by inviting guests to talk about their experiences in their studies and careers. The chapter also runs programs for all graduate students, like the mentoring program for new students.
Math Club consists mainly (but not exclusively) of math majors with activities ranging from eating pizza to competing in Math contests. Advisor Edray Goins.
Math Education Club provides math and science education students with programs of interest to prospective teachers.
Purdue Actuary Club is a student-run organization that was founded in 1984 for students interested in or majoring in actuarial science. The club name was changed to the Purdue Actuarial Club in 2009. Send us an email if you have any comments or questions:
Statistics in the Community (StatCom) is a volunteer community outreach organization started at Purdue University's Department of Statistics in 2001. Directed and staffed by graduate students, it provides professional statistical consulting services to governmental and nonprofit groups free of charge.
Physics and Astronomy
Gender Minorities in Physics strives to bring people interested in physics together and bridge strong connections through sharing our experiences in the department over the years. Our mission is to provide an open and comfortable environment for our members to have a wonderful experience while completing their degree and promote gender diversity within the major. By counteracting isolation, we aim to build a safe community for all students to learn physics!
Society of Physics Students is an organization with the goal to make students studying physics feel welcome at Purdue and to provide a rich environment where physics students of all ages can come together and discuss physics and world issues, get help on homework, and just hang out.
Purdue Astronomy Club welcomes all students from Purdue University - West Lafayette, hobbyists and beginners alike, to explore the fascinating and challenging field of astronomy!
Physics Graduate Student Association (PGSA) is comprised of the graduate student body in the physics department. Our general goal is to provide resources and support for graduate students, including opportunities for professional development, social events, and academic support. We also serve as a line of communication between students and faculty and administration to create a unified and supportive community.
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