Two-Factor Authentication

What is Two-Factor Authentication?

Two-factor authentication (also known as multi-factor authentication or two-step verification) is an extra layer of protection — more protection than a traditional password. 
Two-factor authentication should be used on accounts that contain sensitive information, such as bank accounts, Social Security numbers, health information, and more.

Duo Mobile App

When using the Duo Mobile app, users will need to verify their identity.

Utilizing your career account username and password, once you submit, a notification will pop up on your phone’s screen to either “accept” or “deny.” If the notification does not automatically display on the screen, open the Duo Mobile app to approve it.

It is important to act quickly as the notification will eventually time out. (You may want to have the Duo Mobile app open and ready when you sign in.)

Hardware Token Care Instructions

The hardware token is the property of Purdue University and is issued to employees and students at no charge. 

The token must be kept private and secure; do not permit others to use your token.

You must not attempt to alter, circumvent, or otherwise tamper with the hardware token. Do not corrupt, deface, or damage the token. The token has no replaceable parts, including its battery. 

Pick up a hard token at any of the following locations:

  • PNW or PFW IT Service Desk

To have a hard token mailed to you, complete this form:  Hard Token Mail Request Form

Departmental Duo Administrator

A departmental administrator can be assigned to assist with deployment and Duo support.

To apply to become a departmental administrator, please complete the DUO Administrator Request Form.