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Jane Hamblin

BS 1974, Mathematics


"I came to understand that what I knew from my charmedgrowing up in a little northern Indiana town was nothingclose to what the world had to offer. Purdue exposed me to somany people who were so gifted and who came from placesthat I, in my limited experience, could barely find on the map."

It was a simple gesture. But it has had a lasting impression on Jane Hamblin.When she was a Purdue senior and Mortar Board member, then-President ArthurHansen visited the group one evening to talk about his plans for the Big Tenuniversity.The next morning, en route to class, Hamblin passed by Hovde Hall, where sheagain saw President Hansen. “I was stunned as he said, ‘Good morning, Jane.’That he had remembered my name made me feel on top of the world! What animportant lesson for me.”

Today, Hamblin is using her Purdue experiences in a role as executive directorof The Mortar Board National College Senior Honor Society, growing the organizationand embracing social media and technology to advance its messages and buildconnections with members.“My time as a student at Purdue taught me to pay attention to a wide range of things at the same time and to balance all of them wisely. I learned how to developpriorities,” she says.As a student, Hamblin was instrumental in launching the Emily Mauzy VogelSophomore Leadership Development Conference at Purdue. Now known as theEMV, the event to help sophomores establish themselves in their college experienceand to foster campus leadership will mark its 23rd year in 2013.“I am elated that the EMV continues as a viable learning opportunity,” she says.

As associate dean of students at Purdue from 1989-97, Hamblin couldn’t believethe students’ enthusiasm and interest in leadership and running student organizations.“My work as associate dean of students at Purdue probably had the greatest effecton the greatest numbers of people.”


BS ’74, Mathematics, Purdue University

J.D., ’80, Indiana University

Career highlights

2009-Present Executive Director, Mortar Board National College Senior Honor Society

2008-10 Director of Development, Starke County Community Foundation

2005-08 Associate Executive Director, Member Services, American Dental Education Association

2002-05 Director of Member and Association Services, American Association for Higher Education

2001-02 Acting Assistant VP for Student Affairs, University of Maryland (Baltimore County)

1999-Present Principal, The Stunning Group

1997-2000 Director of Program Development, Council of Graduate Schools

1989-97 Associate Dean of Students, Purdue University

Purdue University College of Science, 475 Stadium Mall Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907 • Phone: (765) 494-1729, Fax: (765) 494-1736

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