Online Non-Credit Program Launch Process



1 Exploratory

Month 1

2 Internal Approval

Months 1-2

3 Execution & Implementation

Months 2-5

4 Launch & Continuous Support

Months 3-5

4. Launch & Continuous Support (Months 3-5)
(All times are approximate. This timeline represents the best-case scenario.)

Week 14-17+


Steps: Identify who will teach or facilitate the course(s)Identify start date(s) for the course(s)Identify a program manager – if desiredDeliver/teach/facilitate the course(s) Questions to Consider: Teaching Determine frequency of the offering.Consider self-paced or rolling admissions.Identify current faculty and staff resources.If your program scales, how will you support instruction? Will you…

Week 14-17+
Week 10-17+

Data Collection, Reporting, & Review

Steps: Decide data to be collected via online registration form.If pre/post surveys are desired, these will need to be designed as a collaboration between Purdue Online and faculty. (See Questions to Consider)Dashboards will be available and regularly updated and standard reports will be developed to allow for on-demand reporting of…

Week 10-17+
Week 14-17+

Continuous Support

Steps: Purdue Online (PO) business office will distribute funds based on the model. Questions to Consider: PO administrators ensure that PO-supported programs and courses are appropriately represented on the PO website and other campus venues.PO support staff provide front-line customer services to support learners in PO-administered programs, including answering questions…

Week 14-17+