Welcome toIMPACT
IMPACT is a faculty development program that supports many different models of participation and faculty from all disciplines university-wide. Launched by the Office of the Provost in 2011 and named as a component of the Purdue Moves initiatives by the Office of the President in 2013, IMPACT is a large, collaborative initiative on the Purdue West Lafayette campus.
The IMPACT program is guided by the theoretical framework Self-Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985; Ryan & Deci, 2017), which is a motivational theory that posits the existence of three basic psychological needs, which when fulfilled, contribute to the creation of a student-centered, autonomy-supportive learning environment.
The creation of a student-centered, autonomy-supportive learning environment fosters student engagement and student competence, and increased attainment of course-specific learning outcomes, degree completion, retention, and graduation rates.
Our Mission
IMPACT supports instructors in enhancing their pedagogical practices in order to create autonomy-supportive and inclusive learning environments to foster student success.
Specifically, the IMPACT program aims to support faculty’s ability to:
- Implement pedagogical practices that are student-centered, autonomy-supportive, and engaging
- Create learning environments that are equitable and inclusive
- Adopt a scholarly approach to instruction and contribute to a community of practice
Versions of the Program
There are three versions of IMPACT in which instructors can participate: