Online Non-Credit Program Launch Process



1 Exploratory

Month 1

2 Internal Approval

Months 1-2

3 Execution & Implementation

Months 2-5

4 Launch & Continuous Support

Months 3-5


(All times are approximate. This timeline represents the best case scenario.)

★ Notice of Intent

Please do not hesitate to fill out the Notice of Intent form today! The Notice of Intent (NOI) form is a brief form that is submitted to the Online Program Launch Team at Purdue Online by faculty and/or administrators to indicate interest in exploring the possibility, and market viability, of new online credit or non-credit programs. When filling out the NOI, please indicate interest in building credit and/or non-credit offerings simultaneously to enhance program offerings, while maximizing efficiencies in the course design and development process. The Purdue Online Launch Team can assist with this form; please contact us with any questions. Assistance will be provided during each step of the process.

Contact Information:
Bryan DeWitt
Managing Director
New Professional, Continuing and Online Offerings
Michelle Gorin
Senior Online Program Launch Specialist

1 Exploratory

Time frame: Month 1
During the Exploratory Step in the Online Program Launch Process, a market analysis is conducted in order to assess the market viability and feasibility of each program/course, whether it is credit or non-credit. The Purdue Online Launch Team will assist with this process and schedule necessary meetings.

2 Internal Approval

Time frame: Months 1-2
Once demand for the online program has been validated, the Internal Approval Step commences. During this phase, financial model, fee tables, and curriculum for the program are created and distributed for review by Purdue Online and the Graduate School (for graduate certificates and graduate degrees). Once approved, if the program is a credit offering, it moves onto the External Approval Step. If the program is a non-credit offering, it moves on to the Execution and Implementation Step.

3 Execution and Implementation

Time frame: Months 2-5
The Execution and Implementation Step is the point at which the program and specific courses (credit and non-credit) are designed and developed, while marketing, student recruitment, admission, and enrollment are taking place.

4 Launch and Continuous Support

Time frame: Month 3-5
During Launch and Continuous Support Step the initial courses launch and students begin completing coursework. Data entry and collection occur in order to document and improve the student experience. Continuous learner and program administrative support are provided. Necessary program reporting is completed. Review and revision is addressed as well.