Testing Services
Instructional Data Processing
Instructional Data Processing (IDP) supports the educational process at Purdue University by providing fast, reliable, accurate test scoring and evaluation services while embracing the most current technologies. They are committed to being customer driven and offering dependable instructional support.
Proctoring Services
IDP offers a proctoring service that supports and enhances academic integrity. It is a resource for instructors who need help supervising exams and an employment opportunity for Purdue’s graduate students.
Digital Proctoring
Purdue currently offers two digital proctoring solutions:
Examity uses a tiered approach to offer a variety of digital proctoring services. Levels range from an automated exam launch to a fully-proctored online exam. The automated solution offers a scalable approach to digital exam proctoring. Examity is integrated into Purdue’s Brightspace LMS and handles student data in compliance with FERPA regulations. There are fees associated with level of service, so course instructors need to have approval from the Office of the Provost and college Dean.”
Respondus is a specialized Web browser that secures a student’s computer by preventing access to other browsers, chat programs, and other applications during an online exam.
Test Scoring
IDP offers a free test scoring and analysis service for objective, multiple-choice examinations on the West Lafayette campus. The service provides high levels of reliability, accuracy, and security with a 24-hour turnaround time.
All information and materials needed for the service, including the free machine-readable student response forms, can be obtained from IDP in Room G-61, Stewart Center. Response forms should also be returned to G-61 for scoring and analysis.
Course Evaluations
IDP facilitates on-line course evaluations for departments and instructors through a software called Course Evaluations and Surveys (CES). All evaluations requests originate from departments and are filled in tandem with University Senate Guidelines. While the Office of the Provost requires evaluations for undergraduate courses with 7 or more students, any class may conduct an on-line evaluation with department approval.
Gradescope Scanning
IDP offers a free scanning service for non-objective quizzes and examinations on the West Lafayette campus for use in Gradescope.