Mark your calendars: Wellness and family-friendly programs coming up

Mark your calendars: Wellness and family-friendly programs coming up

Dementia, social wellness, winter blues, investing, type 2 diabetes, aging, quitting tobacco and more are the topics for the Center for Healthy Living and family-friendly workshops being offered in the coming months. Workshops are free to all benefits-eligible faculty and staff and dependents covered on a Purdue medical plan. Individuals can register online via the Healthy Boiler portal. Registration link can be found under the “Engage” tab, “Wellness Events” on the portal’s home page. Participants may register up to the day prior to the workshop offering. Limited seats are available.

Dementia or Not?

September 10, Noon-1 p.m. Stewart Center, Room 204.

This session will cover the signs and symptoms of dementia, as well as discussing appropriate next steps if dementia is suspected. This workshop will be presented by Nancy Edwards, professor of nursing; Sandra Gilpin, clinical assistant professor of nursing; and Jiayun Xu, assistant professor of nursing.

Toolbox for Social Wellness

September 18, 12:10-12:50 p.m., France A. Córdova Recreational Sports Center (CoRec), Large Conference Room

Social wellness refers to our relationship with others, and we each have different goals based on our personal preferences. In this presentation and discussion, we will cover different tools and strategies for achieving social wellness and explore what social wellness looks like for each of us individually.

Play With Your Food: Making Nutrition Fun for Kids

September 26, Noon-1 p.m. Stewart Center, Room 311.

Kids learn through play, and food is no exception. We all want our kids to be healthy, but it can be a struggle to get them to try nutritious foods. Learn how to incorporate new foods in a fun way and watch meal times become easier! This workshop will be presented by Amber Noll, extension educator, Purdue University.

Investing Confidently

October 8, Noon-1 p.m. Purdue Memorial Union, Room 263AB.

This workshop will help you look at your investments and understand how to build a long-term investment plan you can feel confident about. This workshop will be presented by Tosin Ratchford, dedicated retirement planner, Fidelity Investments.

Understanding the Winter Blues

October 9, 12:10-12:50 p.m., Stewart Center, Room 313

The “winter blues” has many names and presents with many different symptoms. Why does less sunlight, cooler weather and unique precipitation affect our mood? We’ll explore some of the mind and body changes and some strategies to decrease negative effects this year.

Create a Habit

October 17, 12:10-12:50 p.m., Stewart Center, Room 313

We often have the urge to make changes in our lives but aren’t quite sure where to start to make them sustainable. It’s important to break down your goals and recognize what habits are hindering your achievements. In this presentation you’ll learn about how to create new habits and get rid of the old!

End of Life Care

October 23, Noon-1 p.m. Stewart Center, Room 218C.

End of life conversations can be very difficult and uncomfortable, and often times you may not know where to start. Families often wait until the last minute to have these conversations … or never have them. This can lead to very traumatic and stressful decision making for a loved one, without knowing what their wishes are. The goal of this workshop is to help you build confidence in beginning or continuing conversations about end of life wishes, whether about your own wishes or with a loved one you are helping care for. This workshop will be presented by Jiayun Xu, assistant professor of nursing, Purdue University and Nadine Cline, inpatient palliative care nurse practitioner, IU Health Arnett.

Aging Well

October 29, Noon-1 p.m., Stewart Center, Room 311.

We are all growing older every day. The daily decisions you make influence your habits and your lifestyle. Aging well is a choice for most people, and it’s always the right time to choose health. Learn about small changes you can make today related to nutrition, physical fitness and emotional wellness that will help you age well. This workshop will be presented by Amber Noll, extension educator, Purdue University.

Dining with Diabetes

November 4 – November 14, (meets twice weekly) 5:30-7 p.m., Lyles-Porter Hall Demo Kitchen, Room 1107

This four- week program is designed for individuals living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes or those at risk for developing type 2 diabetes – as well as their caregivers. However, it’s also helpful to anyone interested in diabetes management or friends and family of someone living with diabetes. You’ll learn how to lessen the health risks of type 2 diabetes. Dining with Diabetes participants report increased knowledge of nutrition and type 2 diabetes management, exercising more, eating more fruits and vegetables, increasing dairy intake and practicing more healthful cooking and food preparation behaviors more often after the program compared with before the program.

Diabetes Program Overview

November 12, 12:10-12:50 p.m., Stewart Center, Room 313

Do you want to better understand type 2 diabetes and the role nutrition, exercise and prescriptions play?

Join us for a lunch and learn workshop as we cover the basics of type 2 diabetes and discuss an eight-week, type2 diabetes course being offered in 2020. This is the perfect place to ask questions and see what a comprehensive program could offer you.

Products to Quit Now

November 20, 12:10-12:50 p.m., Stewart Center, Room 313

Are you interested in knowing more about products on the market to help you quit smoking? Learn what they are, how they work and see examples in this class, which counts as one of four required sessions needed for reimbursement.

Let the Self-Care Cat out of the Bag

December 4, 12:10-12:50 p.m., Stewart Center, Room 313

We’ve waited all year for the holiday vacation, now let’s make the best of it! Holidays and vacations, despite their definitions, can be particularly stressful. Join in a presentation and discussion about how to optimize self-care and keep it going into next year.