The HLA department kicked off the new semester with their annual Welcome Back Taco Thursday celebration August 22. Students, faculty, and staff came together to enjoy tacos, trivia, cornhole, and a fun photobooth. A big thank you to Gloribel Rosales-Burdin and Brandy Pinkard for organizing this fantastic event. We also appreciate Pam Fisher, the HLA[Read More…]
After the Small Farm Field Day last week the IMPACT^2 Team met with a group of small farmers and Extension educators to pilot two serious games. These games help farmers and educators think through the impacts of climate change on agriculture and what management strategies they can use to help mitigate those impacts. HLA folks[Read More…]
The Diverse Corn Belt project is pleased to announce the open-access publication of “‘Safer to Plant Corn and Beans?’ Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities of Agricultural Diversification in the U.S. Corn Belt” in Agriculture and Human Values. Led by former HLA postdoc, Rebecca Traldi, the paper includes several HLA co-authors: Lauren Asprooth, Emily Usher, Elizabeth Maynard, Aaron[Read More…]
Last week, Dr. Linda Prokopy was honored with induction into the CTIC (Conservation Technology Information Center) Hall of Fame. Dr. Prokopy’s dedication to advancing conservation agriculture and her contributions to the field have earned her this recognition as only the fifth conservation leader to ever receive this prestigious recognition from CTIC. Her research, more than 140 publications,[Read More…]
Katherine Pivaral successfully passed her M.S. thesis defense this week. Her thesis focused on creating markets for diversified crops in the Midwestern US and she did a phenomenal job collecting and analyzing complex data. Katherine’s MS thesis advisor is Dr. Linda Prokopy and committee members are Dr. Ariana Torres and Dr. Leigh Raymond (University of[Read More…]
Last week, Dr. Prokopy attended the MANNRS (Minorities in Agricultural, Natural Resources and Related Sciences) Purdue Chapter annual banquet to celebrate the accomplishments of the Chapter (first place in the nation!) and celebrate our student members – Otto Hoehl (Turf Management and Science), Spencer Logan (Pre Landscape Architecture), Shivika Aggrawal (grad student). Shivika, co-advised by[Read More…]
Ashley Adair, Chris Adair, Moriah Bilenky, Emmanuel Cooper, Celia Corado, Josué Cerritos García, Wenjing Guan, Petrus Langenhoven, Liz Maynard, Steve Meyers, Karen Mitchell, Jean Zavala and Linda Prokopy all attended the Indiana Small Farm Conference, which took place 2/29 and 3/1 last week. Ashley Adair presented a cover crops demonstration on 2/29 and facilitated the[Read More…]
Petrus Langenhoven and Meredith Cobb (co-organizers) hosted the Midwest Mint Growers Conference in partnership with the Indiana Mint Market Development and Research Council (IMMDC). The meeting was held in South Bend, Indiana, on February 22 & 23, 2024. Linda Prokopy presented a talk titled Creating a Diverse Cornbelt. Carlos Lopez Manzano presented the Mint Weed Management[Read More…]